Chapter 39

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Skylar's POV

After he had kissed me in front of all those people, I looked up and saw everyone clapping. Clapping as though a 'happy couple' became husband and wife within the usual, loving circumstances.

As for the woman who tried and nearly got to Andrei, she stood there with her hands clasping together slowly with her eyes hooked on the two of us. She didn't look mad, just defeated and sad to see her 'love' kiss someone else.

Now, after the ceremony I am sitting at a dining table in a ball room with people dancing all around me. They are all perfect dancers with dresses the sweep the floor when they gracefully switch places amongst the duo.

I could never do that, especially with my big belly and ugly body in this dress.

Just from sitting at this table and picking at my dinner every so often, I know people are judging me. They probably think, 'What is Andrei doing with a girl like that?' or 'why not Amelia? This one isn't nearly as beautiful and likeable!'

I huff and drop my fork, completely giving up on my supper for tonight.

"You alright?" Andrei's voice carries from across the table. He as well sets his cutlery down and focuses his attention on me.

I nod slightly and straighten my hunched posture. "Yes. Just a little queasy."

"Why don't you try to finish your supper and come dance? It'll make you feel better, moya lyubov'"

"I'm alright. I can't dance anyways.."

Just as Andrei is about to argue with me and attempt to get me up and moving, Nina shimmies her way over.

"Brotherrrr!" she slurs and holds her drink up high above her head. "This is our favourite song, why don't we dance?!"

Andrei sighs and briefly places his hand on my lap. "Later.." he whispers to me before Nina drunkly pulls him to the dance floor.

The two of them start dancing to the music as though they're teenagers again without a care in the world. Nina gulps down her drink before performing an air guitar and Andrei sings along to the music with a bunch of other guests.

Andrei is acting as though everything is normal and marrying me was what would make him happy.

Oh wait. I forgot for a second that this is all for show and that he's most likely had more than a few drinks tonight.


The word begins replaying in my mind the more I watch the dance floor. Andrei is now at the bar with other men, likely discussing "matters" and has lost the interest to dance with his sister.

But what will happen tonight? Will we leave here and go somewhere else or will I just be sent back to my room and we will go our separate ways like always.

Pfft, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts dancing with Amelia and brings her on a honeymoon instead. He quite obviously still has feelings towards her that he doesn't have for me.

I pour myself some sparkling apple cider into a wine glass. I sip the fizziness bit by bit and stare off into the abyss of people as they settle to a slower dance that has the music making me feel sleepy.

Suddenly I am awoken from my trance when a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Come, Mrs. Volkov."

I look up and meet Andrei's gentle-looking eyes. "W-what?"

He takes my hand and pulls me off my chair with ease. "I would love for my beautiful wife to take this dance with me," he says in a such soft tone he's almost a different person in this moment.

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