Chapter 26

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Andrei's POV

I burst through the doors of the hospital, Skylar who passed out a while ago still lying in my arms. "Someone help me!" I yell loud enough, nurses that are far from the doors turn towards us. A gurney is suddenly rolled up and she's taken from my arms and placed onto it gently by two nurses. "She's pregnant.." I explain and they both nod hesitantly with saddened looks on their faces.

"Page the on-call trauma doctor and OB STAT!" one of them hollers to the person at the front desk behind them. "Tell them there's no time to waste!"

The two nurses tell me to stay close by so they can ask me questions later, then roll Skylar into a nearby trauma bay where even more staff members pile into after her.

When they're gone, I look down and my hands and entire shirt are covered in her blood. I've had peoples blood on my hands, but never to this extent. Why does have to be hers, though?

"What's going on?!" an urgent voice interrupts my thoughts as I stare ahead at the door of the room Skylar was taken into.

They never told me anything or what they were going to do with her... Is she going to be-

"Andrei!" the voice yells again as they frantically shake my shoulder.

I whip my head around. "W-what?" my voice is breathless and confused. I've never sounded so weak in my entire life.

It's Doctor Hasty. "Are you alright?" he asks, but the tone of his voice tells me he already knows the answer.

He leads me over to a chair as I reply with, "I'm fine, but she's not." This time, my voice is shaky and I sound to be on the brink of tears. No, don't cry. She needs you right now.

"It's alright.." Doctor Hasty hushes me and rubs my back in a reassuring manner which seems to calm me down slightly. "Just tell me what happened."

I run my blood-stained hands through my dark mane. "I fucked up this time, Man. I fucked up real bad.." And those are the only words I say for a while as Doctor Hasty sits with me quietly in the small waiting room.

It seems like only five minutes as I witness nurses and a few doctor race in and out of her room, sometimes carrying different sorts of supplies with them. At times, they give me a sympathetic look or nod before continuing on their way, which makes me feel even more regretful. I just hope to God that they're doing everything they can for her. She only deserves the best after everything I've put her through.

But what I thought was only a few moments turned out to be hours when I wake up on the chair that I've made my own space in this crazy place and see the empty indent in the chair beside me where Hasty was sitting. My back is sore and my side; the place I was shot, feels like someone pierced me with hundreds of needles and forgot to remove them. I can't fucking imagine what Skylar's going through right now.

"Mr. Volkov?" someone with the most monotone voice says.

I peer up from my chair and straighten my hunched posture. An exhausted looking woman with messy black hair, caramel skin, and forest green eyes is staring down at me, obviously waiting to tell me some news. "That's me," I reply and slowly stand up, feeling all the bones in my body adjust.

She shakes my hand. It's meant to be a firm shake, but I can tell she hasn't caught a break in awhile just from it. "I'm Doctor Johnson, Skylar's current OB. You are the husband, correct?" she asks with a knowing look.

Crap. She's obviously a new doctor and she won't let me in if I tell them the truth, but I need to see her. "Yes," I lie. "How is she?"

Her look thankfully doesn't drop at my question, it only brightens. "She's doing fine now. We stabilized her an hour ago and now she's starting to open her eyes. " She pauses. "Would you like to come see her?"

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