Chapter 18

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Skylar's POV

A few hours later...

After they'd found us, we were taken to this hospital within the compound. Andrei was taken away by a team of doctors while I was taken to a small room with a foam bed and assessed by a doctor. They said I was alright and placed me in the waiting room.

Currently, I'm on the brink of passing out from exhaustion and possibly the fact I haven't eaten or drank anything in quite awhile. The constant nausea isn't helping either.

With a heavy sigh, I sit up from my awkward sprawl-out in the waiting room chair and force myself to stand; I nearly pass out when I do.

"Miss?" I hear a woman's voice callout as I try to regain my full conscious. Someone grabs my arms and I am sat back down on a chair before I stumble over myself again.

My vision starts to clear up again and I see a small, older woman staring at me worriedly. "I'm alright," I say with a small smile and try to stand up again, but she pushes me back down.

"No, you're not," she confirms. "Stay here, I'm going to get a doctor." She turns the corner and starts waving her one arm at someone. "Doctor Lee! There's a young lady who needs to be checked out."

Seconds later, the nurse and a young Korean woman wearing navy scrubs and a white lab coat enter the waiting room. The doctor bends down in front of me and says, "I'm doctor Lee and this is Nurse Lydia. We're going to get you some help." She turns around towards the nurse who now has a wheel chair in front of her. "I'll take her, can you please grab her some water and-," she turns back to me, "what would you like to eat?"

Groggily, I reply, "doesn't matter.."

With a questioning look, she turns back to Lydia. "Chicken breast, today's salad and a protein shake should do," she says and the nurse leaves. "Alright," she begins again and rolls up the wheelchair closer. "Let's get you checked out."

As she starts to try and help me into the wheelchair, I push away from her as nicely as possible and shake my head. "I'm fine. I was checked out before and I'm just waiting for someone now," I assure and my head begins pounding again. Ugh, this sucks...

"Who checked you out?" she asks with crossed arms.

"Doctor Lopez."

She shakes her head with a small chuckle but quickly draws her attention back to me. "You're malnourished, your eyes are much darker than normal and you can't stand up without falling over. So please, let me look you over."

"Fine," I say followed by a shaky sigh.

With a small smile, the doctor gently pushes my down into the chair and begins wheeling me off to her office. We pass by many people, people who are much worse than me- worse than Andrei; Limply stricken to a wheel chair as a nurse pushes them around, talking in a gentle, soothing tone. Even with all that, I feel a sense of security knowing that someone may actually care about me and my well-being.

Finally after two long halls and mild, somewhat awkward conversation on who my days been, we reach the room. Dr. Lee reaches out beyond us, turning the metal knob and pushing the door open before rolling me in.

I am pushed beside the check-up bed and helped onto it, laying down on my back.

The doctor begins to ask me all sorts of questions regarding my current state: how long do you usually sleep at night?; Does your head usually hurt this often?; Does nausea often occur?; Any discomfort anywhere else?; When was your last menstrual cycle?

I answer all the questions with the bare truth. Through it all, she nods and writes on the yellow-tinted note pad laying beside her on the small desk.

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