Chapter 43

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Skylar's POV

Things quickly begin to heat up more and more with each passing second. At this point, we've forgotten everything and only want to rip each others clothes off.

Well... It's more him that's ready. I'm just laying here both nervous and -quite obviously swimming in my hormones and horniness. For some reason I feel like I'm about to have my first time all over again.

I feel his thumb smooth over the plain if my cheek as I stare up into his chocolate brown eyes. "Is everything alright, Detka?"

I break eye contact before looking back at him with a completely different look upon my face. I pull him into me again before replying with, "Keep going."

As we are undressing each other, we both hear the intercom for the elevator buzz beside us on a speaker.

Andrei sits up and rolls over to look at the video camera appearing on his phone. From behind, I see that the hotel staff have left us a cart full of the delicious-looking food we had ordered before hand.

"Suppers here," Andrei announces and quickly gets out of bed, retrieving a bottle from his nightstand before leaving for the kitchen. He grabs the glass he left before and pours himself a bit of straight vodka. When we begin walking, he has his glass in one hand and the bottle of the content in the other.

When we arrive in the foyer, I notice he's beginning to feel the affects of the alcohol. He's barley walking straight and has this lopsided grin on his face when ever we make eye contact.

I roll the table of food into the dining area all while Andrei is pouring himself another drink; brandy this time, I think. He thumps down into his seat and sips at his drink slowly as I place his food in front of him.

I feel like I'm time travelling right now.

"Gooood girl.." he praises before digging into his food like an animal.

I frown then take a seat across from him. I try and reach for my food, but Andrei is quick to do it instead.

His eyes stare crazily into mine as he slowly brings my plate of food to my face. "See this?" he says, "This is food, it was made by world-class chefs. Those people make this food for people like me, not you. So consider yourself lucky I'm letting you eat it."

"What's gotten into you?" I ask and try to take my plate but he pulls it away. And then, he tips the plate over and it spills all over the table.

He chuckles. "Oops."

I stand from my chair and his eyebrows raise in surprise. "Have a nice meal," I tell him with hot tears stinging my eyes. Completely ignoring anything he's slurring to me, I pick up my now empty plate and head into the kitchen. I place the plate into the dishwasher then quickly begin heading back upstairs.

Who knew that he would become the person he used to be only after a couple drinks. Maybe that's who he actually is and has been putting up this stupid show the entire time. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised at this rate. I was and am too fucking stupid to have seen this coming.

Suddenly, as I'm climbing the stairs, I hear the clashing of plates and a thunderous yell erupt from the dining hall. I turn on my heel and see Andrei hobbling out of the dining hall with a bleeding arm being cradled in his other. Some how, he still manages to carry his drink along side him.

"Jesus," I whisper and hurry back down the stairs. I don't dare approach him, though due to the threatening look on his face.

"Prosti, malyshka. YA byl tak zol na sebya, chto dumal o tom, chto mne skazhet moya mama." He sucks in a breath, regret obvious upon his face. "Yey ne ponravitsya to, chto ya sdelal s toboy segodnya vecherom i v proshlom. Pozhaluysta, prosti menya i pozvol' mne lyubit' tebya tak, kak ya na samom dele. YA ne mogu poteryat' tebya."
("I'm sorry baby. I was so angry with myself so I thought of what my mom told me." He takes a deep breath, regret noticeable. "She would hate me for what I've done to you tonight or for the past. Please forgive me and let me love. I cannot lose you.)")

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