Chapter 46

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A month later..

Skylar's POV

I never thought I'd be able to say this, but things have gotten better. Much better.

Because of my breakdown last month, Andrei has decided to quit drinking, begin working less so we can be together more and is focusing more on his personal life now. Just from doing those three things we have decided to sleep in the same bed now and are working on our relationship as husband and wife each day.

After I had completely broken down and confessed to Andrei my actual plan of escape from this life, we decided to both consult with a psychiatrist and I am now receiving treatment. Andrei had also done therapy for awhile, but he decided that through all the exercises he practised, talking and spending time together calmly was best. Talking to a stranger about all his problems made him uncomfortable and if we talked, we could get to know each other more and help one another out.

Currently the two of us are putting up decorations and baby clothing in the recently-finished nursery. Over the past month we shopped for our baby together and put everything up all by ourselves instead of getting someone else to do it like we would've done awhile back just because we were too busy being mad or upset about the other person.

"How does this look?" I ask, presenting the stencil paintings I did above the crib.

Andrei comes up behind me and pulls me into him, planting a gentle kiss on the side of my neck. "Almost as good as you," he replies and spins me around for a real kiss.

I giggle. "How is the changing table coming along?"

He smiles and covers my eyes with his hand, beginning to lead me over towards it. "I tried my best. We might have to buy something, though," he chuckles.

I pull his hand away and I am introduced to this beautiful, wooden changing table that looks like it was made by a carpenter. It's stained dark wood is all perfectly smooth and stable as I run a hand over the creation. I notice that he's also carved two little hearts on the side as well with the year beside them.

"So.." he begins and dusts a nervous hand over the table. "Think we need to go out today and buy one? I don't care. As long as you're happy."

I shake my head and approach him once again, taking his hands. "It's beautiful, Andrei. I refuse to let you go out and buy one. This is much better than any thing we could've bought," I tell, smoothing my thumb along the plain of his sharp jaw.

He grins, flashing those pearly whites of his then leans down for a long, awaited kiss.

Everything feels so natural now. Almost as though the past never existed and we were always two people who loved each other and wanted what was given to us. I just wish we could've met on different terms, then this love wouldn't have been "love" to begin with and we wouldn't have all this weight on our shoulders every time we act as though nothing ever happened.

"Lunch?" I say after I've pulled away. These hormones have been raging lately; I've never been so excited for a meal!

He smiles like he always does and stares down at me with those lustful eyes. "Yes, Moya Lyubov'. What would you like? We could go out to that pasta restaurant you love or even that food truck down at-" he lists more and more names of all the places that he knows I love going to, that until I haven't answered and he's left standing there clueless on what to name next. "Well?"

"Wanna stay here? I love cooking with the chef..." I say, teasing him by the way I twirl his jogger strings between my fingers.

He takes my hands away and smiles deviously. "Not now, Detka. Maybe tonight, that's only if you behave," he whispers to me then walks away, leaving me there flustered and unsatisfied.

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