Chapter 22

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A week later...

Skylar's POV

"Trucks running, Sky! We'll just be out front waiting!" Philip hollers, his voice carrying throughout the cabin.

I hurriedly, yet carefully place my second contact in, making my eyes a hazel-forest colour. "Coming!" I yell back and grab my coat as I scurry out of my little room.

A few moments later, after zipping up my jacket and lacing up my boots, I sit in the cab of the ol' ford while we drive down a gravel road. It didn't take long until I got my ID, so we're currently on our way into town for my second doctors appointment of the pregnancy. Not gonna lie, I'm kind of super nervous. Not just because I'm scared we'll somehow run into someone from the gang, I'm afraid there's something wrong with my baby...

I feel the swerve of the truck as we pull onto the main road to town. I hear the whooshing of passing cars and soon begin to see the peaks of buildings come into view. This town is definitely a city, none the less.

"Wow..." Macy mouth hangs open at the sight of tall, new buildings being built as we enter the city. "I don't remember it being this big..." she gasps.

Philip frowns. Only a few days ago had the two left me on the farm alone and went into the city to pick up some supplies.

He places a hand on her lap and weakly smiles saying, "yes you do. We were here a few days ago, remember?"

Macy's eyebrows knit together in utter confusion. When we stop at a red light, the two gaze into each others eyes while she tries to recall her recent trip. Just as she's about to respond, she shuts her mouth and nods her head slightly.

The rest of the ride is complete silence. Macy stares out the window in awe the entire time all while Philip would glance over at her occasionally with a longing look.

When we arrive at the clinic, we all exit the truck and make our way to the entrance, baring against the coldness of the harsh wind. My thin layered jacket is almost doing nothing in this weather now.

At the desk, I give my name to the secretary who seems to have not had her morning coffee yet. She gets awfully irritated when I don't hear her the first time and she has to repeat herself. After that, I walk away with a timid 'thank you' and make my way into the waiting room where Philip and Macy are planted.

"All good?" Philip questions from my obvious upset facial expression. I know it was just a bad encounter, but all I want to do is cry.

I sniffle and suck in a weary breath. "Yup..."

Philip nods his head uneasily and draws his attention back to the news article he was reading before. Macy on the other hand, does not let this go unnoticed, so she gets up from her seat and takes one beside me. She begins rummaging through her purse, muttering to herself about where the object she's searching for is.

"Here," she finally says, awakening me from my dozed-off state. Taking my hand, she 'secretively' places a milk-chocolate Alenka bar into the palm of my hand. "I like to eat these when I'm sad sometimes. It'll help with the mood swings too. Chocolate always out weighs the sadness." She smiles brightly and so do I.

"Roza?" A doctor who just entered the room calls out. At first, I don't realize that the name just called is actually me. Guess I'm going to have to start thinking of myself as another person for now on.

"That's you!" Philip gestures towards the doctor waiting patiently.

"Sorry," I apologize as I get up from my chair and shove my chocolate bar into my jacket pocket. "I was in dream land."

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