Chapters 25

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Dexton's rubbing his hands together in a slow motion, taking a one step at a time towards me. "I can't wait to feel your little pussy wrapped tightly around me.."

I've reached the end of the small cell, my backed pressed up against the cool brick wall that have pictures painted with blood all over. The room doesn't even have a bed, there's only a dirty urinal that likely hasn't been washed in years, a few sets of dirty clothing scattered throughout the small space. I can feel myself start to give up the closer he gets to me. Trust me, I want to save my baby, but I'm not even sure how to at this point.

As Dexton begins to unzip his pants, I fish my hand into my sweater pocket and feel the half-eaten remains of the chocolate bar Macy had given me. It was so delicious that I decided to savour it and try to make it last as long as I possibly could.

My hands press against his chest as he takes his last step. "I'm begging you," I weep. "Please don't do this. I'm pregnant."

Dexton's eyes go dark as soon as the words leave my mouth. He wraps his hands tightly around my arms and holds me painfully against the wall. "Who's is it?" he demands through gritted teeth. "Is it his?"

Even with one simple word, I know who he's referring to. Theres probably been lots of talk throughout the compound about this baby. Andrei can't keep anything to himself.

"I heard the guards talking about a whore of Andrei's that he knocked up." He chuckles. "You must be her!" His grip begins to loosen as he talks frantically to himself, commenting on how big of a whore I am for sleeping with the boss just to have a roof over my head.

This is it. With one swift swing, I nail Dexton in the nuts so hard that he topples backwards and crashes on to the ground with an agonizing groan. "Fuck you," I say and spit on his ugly face that's scrunched up in pain.

I dash towards the door and begin shaking it desperately. "Help me!" I scream. "Please!!" I continue to shake the caged door, the sharp sound of metal on metal echoing throughout the barren hall. No ones coming...

My sweaty palms are suddenly ripped from the bars when an arm wraps around me and pulls me away. "YOU'RE NEVER LEAVING NOW!" Dexton roars and throws me to the floor.

I let a shrill cry as his fist connects with my face, then when one hits my little baby bump. Pain erupts throughout my entire body as he assaults me. When I try block another blow to my stomach, he slams my head back into the concrete floor and I nearly black out. But somehow, I still keep my eyes open.

"You're going to pay you fat, ugly, whore!" he yells, his spit flying over my now bruised face which I don't even bother to wipe away I'm so drained. Instead of another punch, he tears my cotton sweater from my trembling body and his beady eyes travel all over me hungrily. His hands clamps tightly over the front of my bra and he removes that as well, throwing what's left of it, across the room.

Using the energy left in me, I just bring my arms which are resting at my sides, balled in fists, and cover my naked breasts. But it's no use. He pins them above my head with only one of his hands and he drags his tongue over my breasts slowly while I lie there in pure disgust.

"No.." I whimper in a quiet, hoarse voice as he undoes my pants. I try to keep my legs closed, but he pulls them apart again so roughly, I hear my leg crack and an unbearable pain follows soon after. Hot tears pool in my eyes when he removes my pants and I feel him violate my naked body in every way.

Please, God, just let me die already. I can't fight anymore.

But as he tries to continue further, I take the chance and use my working leg to kick him in the stomach. So hard, he falls back and smacks his head on the floor and somehow losses consciousness altogether.

With a loud groan, I roll over onto my side and reach for my torn sweater, but recoil when I realize it's in too many pieces to even bother. I instead force myself to sit up and fold myself into a fetal position. That's when I start to feel the blood pool underneath me.

Andrei's POV

Signing one last paper, I kick back in my chair and prop my legs up onto my messy desk that is filled with so many papers, I've forgotten what their purpose even is.

Then, there's a knock at the door.

"Come in," I sigh and rub the tiredness from my sleepy eyes. I've already dealt with enough bullshit for today.

My prison Guard, Oliver, who was guarding Skylar today, strides into the room with a rather large smirk on his face. He makes his way over to one of the two chairs in front of my desk and plops down in it, too proud for his own good.

"Report?" I question without making direct eye contact. My patience has pretty much ran out. I just want to go bed and sleep.

He smiles even wider and lets out a sigh of enjoyment. "Great. I really showed that bitch a lesson. To say the least, I think she's getting what she deserves."

My entire body goes stiff at that sentence. When the hell did I ever say he could call her that, let alone, 'give her what she deserves'? "Excuse me?" I growl and stand quickly from my chair. "What the fuck exactly did you do?"

He sinks in his chair like the coward he is. "Sh-she refused to eat her food and threw it at me."

I slam my fist down onto the desk so hard pain travels through my entire arm, but I'm so angry that I ignore it and let the adrenaline rush through me. "I didn't ask about what she did. I asked about what you you did, Moron!" I yell.

He nods and tries to compose himself, but fails miserably. Any moment now and he'll be sitting in a pool of his own piss.

"SPEAK!" I yell and watch my spit fly.

"I-I put her in a cell with Dexton," he finally admits as he begins to shake.

I don't even respond. Instead, I grab my gun from my drawer in a matter of seconds and bolt out of the door before he can say anything else.

Never in my entire life have I ran so fast. My legs are beating down rapidly onto the floor with every stride and I can hear my heart pounding through my ears so loudly it's the only thing I can hear.

Dexton's done some of the worst things a human can do to another human. I mean, I'm one to talk, but there's a reason he's been locked up. But I already know I'm too late. He's probably killed her or done other unspeakable things I can't bare to think about. I should've ended him while I got the chance.

I double check the load on my gun as I enter the doors to the basement, then hold it firmly in my right hand as I rush down the stairs and into the long hallway of cells.

"Skylar!" I call out and count in my head as I read the numbers of each cell. 23, 24, 25...

Finally, I reach cell 39, breathless and all. At first glance, the cell looks empty. That's until I see Dexton lying on the ground, out cold, his chest rising and falling on occasion.

I take one more step and I see her. She's in the corner of the cell with her bare back towards me, torn pieces of her clothes not far. "Skylar.." I whisper in a soft voice and reach for my keys. I unlock the door and carefully enter the cell, being very cautious as I get closer to her.

"I-I'm sorry," I hear her whimper in a whispery voice that I barley understand.

When I reach her, thats when I see it: the pool of dark, red blood underneath her and all over her naked thighs. Hurriedly, I remove my jacket from myself and wrap it around her snuggly. "Hold on," I say and scoop her up into my arms.

Her breathing is slow and unsteady as I exit the cell and go as fast as my legs can carry me back up the stairs. I can feel her hot tears drop onto my chest and stain my grey shirt.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry Skylar," I say and hold her even closer to me. What was I thinking putting her down here with these people? Because of me, our baby is going die.

A Dangerous Passion (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon