Chapter 49

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A week later...

Andrei's POV

"So tell me. How does it feel to finally be receiving what you deserve, hm? I could only guess you feel guilty for all you've done now."

Amelia squirms in the roping, her hands tied above her as she hangs limply from a beam. "Yes, Andrei. Please just let me go. I- I can't do this anymore, I can't feel my arms anymore. I feel like they're going to break off!" She cries out desperately.

Chuckling, I grab my pocket knife out of my belt and walk up to her slowly. "Remember how you tried to kill my wife and my unborn child awhile ago," I begin as I drag the sharp tip of the knife across her naked, bandaged chest. Her body is now ridden with scars and bandaging to make sure she doesn't bleed out in her sleep, just so I can make her pay for what she did every day.

"It was a mistake," she quietly interrupts me through her shake breaths. "Even now all tied up, fighting for my life and enduring this punishment, I can't stop loving you."

This woman was quite obviously never mentally stable, nor was I at the time. But this is being taken too far now. She ruined her chance at any sort of life long ago.

Every time I come here, I don't see the Amelia I once loved. I can't even remember loving her at one point in my life since it all seems like a waste of time now. All I see is her holding that bloody knife she used to stab Skylar: the woman whom I will never stop loving.

"Well you will, you will very soon," I say to her as I flick to the biggest knife. I reach up and cut the ropes from the beam and let her drop to the floor like a fly, not even being able to use her arms to catch herself since she most likely has no feeling in them anymore.

I step over her still body and press my foot down on her neck as I continue to cut the roping around her wrists and ankles. Her breathing stops for an entire minute after I've released my foot from her neck. She awakens quickly when I kick her hard in the stomach with my steel-toed boot, though.

She coughs loudly, blood dripping from her mouth from the impact. "What's going on!?" she cries out in between her sharp coughs. She tries to get to her knees but fails miserably when she ends up falling on her head so hard that blood begins leaking from her hair line.

With a deep sigh, I grab hold of her hair bring her naked body up to her knees. She sobs through the pain but within seconds, she's kneeling there heaving up blood and whatever clump of mush she was given for dinner last night.

"Are you done yet?" I ask as she begins dry-heaving and coughing so loudly I can no longer bare the sound of her.

She nods begrudgingly and I pull her up to her feet swiftly then begin dragging her over to the messy table where we keep all the medical supplies. I set her down roughly on the dirty table and rip the tape of the bandaging on her chest quickly.

"What's going on?" she asks me again when she notices I have removed her dressing and there's no longer blood dripping down her face.

I grunt and throw away her hand as she tries touching my arm. "Only changing your dressing, so don't get too excited. This is only so you'll last another day or two. I'm not done with you yet, Amelia."

"Why are you doing it?"

"Because," I say and lean over, grabbing the sutures. "Doc said you needed your stitches redone if I wanted you to live awhile longer. I've decided that with the little medical experience I have, you'll be receiving them from me."

Amelia says nothing more. For the next hour all you can hear is her desperate screams and the useless begging she does to try and make me stop.

Tomorrow will be her last day on Earth.

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