Chapter 13

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"What might that plan be?" Maxim asks and starts a thorough, doctorry examine on her.

I smile with the joyous thought in mind. "Well, since you seem to be in love with this dog and I love Andrei, we could work together to get what we want."

"Go on..." he presses on her stomach and squints at the dark blemishes spread throughout her body.

"At first, I was thinking about killing Skylar; a bullet right through her chest. But since you want her now, I have something else in mind that may sound just slightly crazy to you," I say and twiddle my thumbs together, getting ready for him to shoot it down right away.

"Just lay it on me. I don't have all day," he explains as he continues to assess Skylar further.

"Fine," I say in response to his impatience. "Since Andrei is leaving tonight for a business trip tonight, I'm going to sneak into his room and steal the condoms from his drawer. Once they're in my custody, I am going to stab holes into them, then put them back."

Maxim's face falls into utter disgust. "I just told you I want Skylar safe! Not pregnant with that psychopath's baby!"

I chuckle and shake my head. "No, Silly. The only way I get Andrei is if I get his baby," I say and smile my infamous sadistic smirk.

When I expect him to be outraged with this idea, I see the same smile play onto his lips. He stands up from the stool, letting me admire his tall, broad body. "But how will you be sure that he uses them on you? What if it's Skylar that gets pregnant instead?" He questions like I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. But I do, I always do.

"That's where you play in," I say and he knits his brows together in confusion. Dumb blonde over here! "You have a gun, correct?"

2 hours later...

Skylars POV

"Miss Jones, can you hear me? Miss Jones.."

What's going on? Why does my entire body ache so much?

A gentle hand rubs my shoulder in soothing circles which causes my weary eyes to flicker open. "W-where am I?" I ask as I cover the bright lights beaming into my eyes.

"You took a pretty rough fall down the staircase. It seems you passed out from starvation and dehydration before it happened," The low, gentle voice says as he helps me sit up.

As I sit up, I can feel the pain of someone stabbing me all throughout my battered body. I let out a muffled scream from the pain and almost topple off the bed, but they catch me.

"Hey, hey.." They say and lay me back down. "You need to rest. I've put in an IV to get you back on track and also ordered some food for you."

I open my eyes fully and stare up at the wonderful stranger staring right back down at me. His eyes are a bright, smiling green. Bright enough I almost feel hope.

I can feel myself smile for the first time in what feels like forever. He smiles back.

His features are so beautiful and delicate, I reach out and trace my thumb along his jawline, feeling his smooth stubble. I don't even realize I'm touching a stranger.

He places his hand over mine and stares lovingly into my wondrous, empty eyes. I don't even know this mans name and I'm already falling in love with him.

"Are you hungry?" He suddenly asks, but continues to hold tightly to my hand.

"Y-yes," I blurt out and he chuckles softly. Even his voice is beautiful...

His warm hand detaches from mine, and I suddenly feel a little more empty than before some how. I watch as his soft, thick, blonde hair moves in sync with his steps as he makes his way over to a cart near the door. He picks up a tray full of all sorts of foods that I barley recognize. It's been so long since an actual meal.

"Here," He says and sets the tray on a lap table over me. "Eat up, you need it."

I reach out for the fork while I take a whiff of the warm, goodness in front of me: fresh cut fruits and veggies, turkey, buns and jam. Stabbing the fork into the meat, I bring it to my mouth and chomp down without hesitation. Then again, and again...

"Woah, slow down there! You're going to give yourself another stomach ache!" The handsome doctor says with a hand on mine, mid-chomp.

I swallow what's in my mouth and carefully set the fork down beside me. "Sorry," I whisper with a small giggle. Hold my hand again please..

"My names Maxim, by the way." He suddenly introduces himself. "Sorry I didn't say it sooner." He scratches the back of his head while he continues to smile his gorgeous smile.

I grin back. "Skylar," I reply then pick my fork up again, taking slower bites this time.

"Well, Skylar." He goes over to a filing cabinet-looking cupboard, opening and closing drawers in search of something. "I'm going to prescribe you some painkillers. From what I've seen, your fall is going to cause you some pretty awful pain, sadly."

I gulp down the remains of my bun and dust of my hands on my gown. "Could I take the rest to go?" I ask. "Along with those pills, of course."

He nods and walks back over to me with them in hand. "Anything for you, Sky," he clarifies and sets the capsule down onto the tray as I scoop the remaining food up into a plastic container. Once I'm done, he helps me out of bed and to the door with his strong arm wrapped around my waist in a tight, yet comfortable hold that somehow soothes my pain.

"Thank you," I say, my hand hesitantly on the doorknob. No, not yet..

"If you ever need anything, call me or come here," he tells me.

I nod. "See you."



Sorry for such a boring short chapter, I'll be sure have another one out soon.l within a few days hopefully! Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't have time to edit.

Bye for now.

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