Chapter 7

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Skylar's POV

9 o'clock

One hour before 'work'..

I have just finished my nearly 14 hour shift and I am now preparing for my first visit to Andrei tonight.

He just recently sent me a text on my work flip-phone telling me to wear something revealing with a winky-face. So now I'm searching my drawers in search of just that.

The day after I was given my birth control, I came home from work and found a whole drawer of lingerie. Lingerie that was so revealing and thin, if you breathed too hard on me, it would probably break or fly away.

Finally, after searching through all the thin cloth, I find something sexy enough and probably more comfortable than the rest.

I strip from my maid uniform and hurriedly, yet very carefully, pull the outfit on so it doesn't rip.

After a few minutes of violently sucking it and barely breathing, it's finally on. It's definitely much more uncomfortable than it looks to be.

I hesitantly head over to the mirror to take a glance at myself, but instantly regret it. I've never been the skinniest, even on the streets when I barley had food I still carried that little bit of extra weight nobody wants. I never despised my body, but now that I see it this slutty get-up, I only feel disappointment.

Sighing heavily, I look from the mirror towards the clock. 9:30 pm. I'd better touch up my makeup and hair.

After I reapply my mascara, put a new layer of red lipstick on and brush my dirty blonde locks, it's already ten to ten. Time to go.

Before I leave my room, I grab a hoodie and some sweatpants to wear over my get-up and head out in rush.

When I exit my bedroom, the foyer is thankfully empty; leaving me from any embarrassment of leaving my room and going to another at this time.

I leave the foyer in a rush and soon enter a larger one that's off of the kitchen. There's a grand staircase that apparently leads to where Andrei's bedroom is.

Thinking about what's about to happen, I take a deep breath and take sturdy steps up the hallway, trying to ground myself. The staircase may of been 'grand', but I'm at the top before I know it.

It's darker up here and silence other than the thoughts in my head is the only thing you can hear.

After trying to get a good look at my surroundings, I continue down the dark hallway while watching for anyone in particular. I heard that some of the maids and guards were put up here after I had given up my 'payment'. I'm really hoping they don't catch me up here.

Finally, after walking a solid 5 minutes (which probably means I'm late by now or just barley on time), I reach a set of double, dark wood doors. Making a tight fist, so tight my knuckles are white, I knock three times on the door.

I can hear the soft patter of feet getting closer and closer, until they stop and I watch as the door handle turns and the door slowly opens, letting the light out and into the darkened hallway.

"You're late," I hear a gruff voice bark.

My head shoots up and I see Andrei, his jet-black hair messy and falling onto his face, staring down at me almost angrily. I notice a watch on his wrist with the time 10:01 and my heart speeds up slightly.

"I-I'm sorry," I say and he merely sighs.

"Just come in," he says and gently tugs at the shoulder of my sweatshirt.

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