Chapter 32

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Skylar's POV

"You can come in now," I hear Andrei callout through the open doorway.

Already too tired to even care what's about to happen, I walk right into the room. And wow, is it ever beautiful.

The room is large, but not to the point that even furniture couldn't fix that problem. Unlike my room, I see there's an open doorway near the bed that leads to a bathroom, and another off to the left probably leading to a closet. The walls are a nice Mocha Cream colouring which perfectly compliments the touches of grey and golden-brown on the bedspread. A few different pictures spread out around the room to rid of any emptiness on the walls.

"Wow," I gasp and turn slowly as I take in the entirety of it. I didn't even notice there was a little reading nook! That's the cutest thing I've seen in this house. "Who did all this?"

That's when I see a woman standing beside Andrei. She has long, jet-black hair that sits at her elbows, light brown eyes that nearly sparkle, and has the perfect body every teenage girl practically dreams of. In short: Everything I'm not.

"That'd be me." Her voice is stern, but friendly. She reaches out for a hand shake which I weakly receive. "You must be Skylar. I'm Nina, Andrei's sister."

For some reason, a strong sense of relief washes over me when she says she's his sister. "Hi, Nina," I say softly as my arm swings back to my sides. I wonder if he's said much about me..

Without warning, I feel Andrei's strong hand land on my right shoulder gently as I'm admiring the array of books in the bookshelf. "What do you think of the room?" he questions in that hopeful voice I only hear on occasion.

As much as I feel like stepping away in this moment, I see Nina still has that smile on her face and Andrei looks so excited for my response that if I said the wrong thing, he'd hate me forever. I know I he's done some terrible things to me, but I can't help but feel some feels.

"Magnificent," I reply with sincerity. "Who's room is it?" I don't even bother to face them I'm so intrigued with the space. It's like a little home in here!

Nina laughs in way that instantly makes my question seem stupid. "It's yours, Sky." She shortens my name like she's known me my whole life.

I spin around and meet their faces again. Andrei is standing there with a look like he's ready for any outburst that may occur while Nina is staring at him with that same disappointment in her eyes.

"Why the hell didn't you tell her? Tupitsa." She grunts with her arms folded together all while glaring at him.

Oh no, please don't fight...

Andrei's eyes go dark. "Suka."

I should really start learning Russian if I'm ever going to understand what these names everyone is calling each other. All I know is that they aren't very nice words.

Just as the two are about spitting venom back a forth, I clear my throat, somehow grabbing both of their attentions. "Thank you. It's beautiful," I thank as I face the both of them.

A smirk stretches across his face at my response. "See? I knew she'd like it." He nudges Nina gently, but she slaps his arm hard enough that his face looks pained and he backs away.

Nina quickly composes herself and walks up to me with open arms. She suddenly pulls me into her and I nearly drown in her vanilla-scented perfume. "I'm so glad you like it," she whispers. "I'll leave you two alone so you can break the bed in."

As Nina exits the room, I'm left there with wide eyes and an open jaw. "No way.." I murmur in response to her comment.

I feel Andrei's hand travel down my arm and I immediately pull away. "What's wrong?" he questions worriedly.

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