Chapter 27

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A few days later

Andrei's POV

It's been days now and she still hasn't talked to me. The entire time I sit in the room with her, her back in turned to me and she says nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Yes, I said something hurtful to her once again when I found out our baby is okay, but I can't have her thinking that I actually care for her. My men will think I've finally turned to mush and I'll have more on my plate to deal with than I already do.

A possible relationship; a thing I've never had in all of my existence.

Maybe in time I'll tell her how I feel, but I doubt it'll actually happen. Again, I've got other things to do like keeping her and the baby healthy and alive.

A knock sounds at the door and as I keep my eyes held on Skylar, I notice she doesn't even bother to look who it is. "Come in," I chime in a composed voice.

The usual nurse comes through the door with some supplies along with the OB doctor, who is only holding a chart.

"Blood time, sweetheart!" the nurse sings in such a voice that it makes Skylar turn her head towards her. The nurse smiles gently when she sees she got her attention and begins placing the tourniquet around the upper part of Skylar's arm. "Just a pinch!"

Skylar's face scrunches up in discomfort as the nurse pierces her skin and starts to take the blood.

While the nurse handles her, I stand up from my chair and make my way over to Doctor Johnson as she writes some new info on Skylar's patient info board. "Care to share?" I point to the new writing on the board.

Johnson jumps at my sudden actions. "Uhh.. Yes!" She files through her notes madly and pulls out a piece of paper which she immediately hands to me. "Ultrasounds came back clear again," she rambles as she continues to rummage through her papers.

I smirk as I examine the small bean-looking thing on the picture I hold. As of yesterday, Skylar is 10 weeks along and the baby is still doing well and growing as it should.

"Here!" she finally hands me another paper which reads "PATIENT DISCHARGE" in bold font at the top of the paper. "Your wife and baby are doing fine. She is to be put on bed rest for awhile, but you can take her home today if you'd like," she explains with a proud smile on her face.

I nod and skim over the small font info on the paper. "Pen?" I ask with my hand held out. She scrambles to find a pen in her pocket then hands it to me with the same, proud smile across her face. With no hesitation, I sign the bottom and hand it back to the doctor.

Before I say anything further, I glance back at Skylar and see the nurse trying to cheer up her sad state of mind. She smiles softly and nods at something the nurse says before the two hug and the nurse leaves the room with her box of supplies.

"I'll need her sedated before we leave today," I tell the doctor as she finishes up some writing on the chart.

She peers up at me, confusion written on her face.

I frown. "Just do it," I order before she can question anything else, then walk back over to Skylar. When I hear the door close, I take a seat on the bed and set my hand on her leg which she immediately flinches away.

"How are you feeling?" My voice is as soft and gentle as I can possibly make it. I just need her to talk to me.

She turns her head and lies back down on the bed, arms crossed her chest tightly and as close to the edge of the bed as possible. "Leave."

I sigh. "No, I'm not going to leave you here by yourself. You're in no condition to be doing things for yourself," I try to tell her but she only continues to lie there in silence. I frown deeply and stand from the bed, my large frame towering over her. "I can't risk losing you or the baby."

I watch as her breathing stops for a few seconds before she turns back to me. She looks as though she wants to say something, but turns around again and covers the blanket over her head, childishly.

"Fine." I turn on my heel and head towards the door. "You aren't going to like what's coming next!" I call out to her as I take a firm grip on the door handle and swing it open. "Johnson!" I stride towards the now scared looking doctor. "I want her sedated and transferred within the next hour. If you fail to do so, I will put an end to your career and make sure bank accounts empty when I do so."

Her eyes widen and she drops the clipboard she's holding. "Y-yes, Sir!" she murmurs and hurries off to a nearby med cart that she struggles to unlock since her hands are shaking so much, she can't even find the key.

"Oh and by the way," I say to her as she passes me on the way to the room with sedations meds in hand. "You're going to come to the house as often as needed to do routine checkups on Skylar. She isn't to leave the house after this anymore."

Fearful, she nods and hurries into the bedroom with no time to lose.

Skylar's POV

One second I was laying in a hospital bed while my doctor gave me my 'daily meds', the next, I'm lying in completely different bed in a completely different place.

Where the hell am I? I asked myself, knowing very well where I am exactly, just confused on why I'm in the room I'm in. It's dark, but I can tell there's beautiful hardwood floor beneath me, a chandelier-like light in the centre of the room, and that I'm laying in a queen-sized bed with the softest sheets and thickest, most warm comforter covering me. The pillows are amazing too, heavenly, even.

With a heavy sigh, I push the comforter off my tired body and swing my feet off the bed slowly. Not far from the bed is a light switch, so I take a few steady steps toward it and flick it on.

The the light is so bright, I'm blinded for a couple moments, but when I can actually bare the light, I notice a door a few feet away. I hurry over to it with my hand supporting the small baby bump I have and jiggle the knob desperately. Locked, of course.

"Ugh!" I kick the door out of frustration but the only thing I get out of it is a sore foot.

Knowing very well no one is outside guarding or cares enough about what I'm doing, I drag myself over to another door within the room. I turn the handle and it's surprisingly unlocked.

Wow, haven't come across a door like this in awhile...

I push open the dark, wood framed door which only reveals an empty closet with a few pairs of old clothing I wore when I first lived here.

For some strange reason, I really thought he would at least have the decency to let me have some alright looking clothes or even something normal I could wear everyday. But I guess it's just back to wearing the same 'ol hoodie, see through gown, and the probably too-small-of-an-outfit I got when I first became a maid: a small grey shirt which already tight to begin with, and a pair of jeans that, with out question, will not fit me.

With a sigh and shake of my head, I close the door before I can get any more upset and slug back over to the bed. But before I even get a chance to lie down, I see a bottle of prenatal vitamins at the bedside table along with a small note beside them.

I pick up the note from the table and whisper to myself the fine printing on it. "Take as prescribed on bottle. Guard outside will let you out to kitchen as often as needed and bathroom breaks are to be done no more than 5 times a day."

My eyebrows knit together and I let out another aggravated sigh. "Might as well just put me on a goddamn leash at this point!" I sneer and crumble up the note.

I've tried so hard to keep this baby safe, but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep the both of us safe at this point.

If I'm lucky, I'll die when I give birth. I can't bare to live a life like this anymore, not even for my baby.

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