sugar daddy | n.h.

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Nicky liked to cook. More like, loved to cook. He'd like to say he was the best cook in his family. From breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. Nicky Harper was an amazing cook.

When he met you, he was out with his siblings. They were chaotic as can be, no matter how much they grew up. You couldn't erase the chaotic nature of the Harper family.

Bumping into you at a carnival, the ice cream you were holding spilling all over your shirt.

"Shit! I am so sorry. Goddamn it, Dicky. Look what you made me do!" A dark haired boy said. Looking at your now messy shirt.

A scoff escaped from a dark blonde, with long hair. "It wasn't my fault. You just have terrible footing." He began to walk away. Running after a girl with blonde hair and a guy who was dressed way to formally for a carnival.

Grabbing napkins, he began to wipe your shirt. "I am so sorry. My stupid siblings, they can be such a pain. I'm Nicky, by the way. You?"

"Huh? I'm (Y/N)." You grabbed some napkins too, cleaning up some of the ice cream.

"Nice name. The sibling that made me bump into you is Dicky, the one wearing the vest is Ricky, and the girl is Dawn. I might as well tell you who's to blame for spilling your ice cream." Nicky finished wiping off the ice cream. Making his way with you towards the trash can, to throw away the napkins.

You throw him a confused look. Who makes their kid's names rhyme?

He just shakes his head, chuckling. "Yeah, I know. Weird names, right? Once we had someone call us the Icky's and Dawn."

Letting out a laugh, you look at him. Huh, he looked really cute. "You do know, that you owe me some ice cream, right?"

Nicky replies, "Aw, really? I thought my incredible charms would sweep you off your feet, and you would forget," he joked.

Rolling your eyes, "Haha, very funny. But, you really do owe me some ice cream. And maybe a clean shirt?"  You and him cleaned off the ice cream, but your shirt was still sticky as hell.

He began to take off his hoodie, your eyes widened. "What in the world are you doing?" You ask.

Nicky gives his hoodie to you, raising an eyebrow. "What? I didn't want you in a dirty t-shirt the whole day."

"Uhm, thanks?"

Chuckling, "Don't mention it. Now, that ice cream?"

The whole day was spent with him.

You were now his loving girlfriend. Who had a very serious sweet tooth. It didn't help that you stress ate, as well.

Nicky would usually bake you something, when you came over. That ranging from brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and once, a cake. You helped him bake, but you would end up eating the sweet thing instead of baking. 

You blame Nicky for your sweet tooth. He would honestly spoil you rotten with sweets. Not, that you're complaining, but a girl can only handle so much. He is such a sweet boyfriend, ready to bake with you or bake for you in a heartbeat. Sometimes, his parents would return home to see you two covered in powder and laughing on the kitchen floor.

The two of you were lounging around in the kitchen. Nicky was baking some pies, as you were sitting on the counter top watching him bake. You loved to do that, he seemed so passionate about it. Not to mention, adorable, when he looked so focused. It made you want to leave kisses all over his face. Most of the time, you did. Which he accepted, by returning the kisses.

"You know, how I have a sweet tooth?" You asked nonchalantly.

Nicky hums in acknowledgment. Carefully, measuring how much flour he needed. Some of the flour was on his nose, making him scrunch it up. Sneezing slighty, making sure not to sneeze on the bowl.

Kissing him on the nose, you wipe away the flour. "And you know, how you make me all these sweets to satisfy my sweet tooth?"

He tilts his head to the side. Looking like a confused puppy, "Yeah? Where is this going?"

You put your finger on his lips. "Shhhhh," laughing when he tries to kiss your finger. "Anyways, you're like an actual sugar daddy. Did you know that?"

Nicky pauses. His eyebrows moving in confusion, "I-" He opens his mouth, then closes it. He snickers, laughing. "Just, what the heck?"

You just shrug, smiling goofily. "Hey, I'm just saying. You're like the definition of an actual sugar daddy. The sweets and all that." Waving your hand, gesturing wildly.

"You are so weird," he says, shaking his head, chuckling.

"Pshh, you're weirder."

"No, you are."

"No, you're weirder." You quip back.

"I love you," Nicky says spontaneously.

"I love you too, Nicky."

The kitchen door opens. Revealing Dicky, "You guys are gross."

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