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"Jimin! JIMIN GET UP!" Jin yelled as he hit the younger with a pillow.

The blob from underneath the covers groaned. "Hyunnnnggggggggggg! I don't wanna get up..." Jimin reached out from underneath the covers to grab the face mask on his bedside table. Jin quickly snatched it away from the younger. "HYUNG!" Jimin yelped, his head popping out from the pile of blankets. 

Jin glared at him in response. "Don't give me attitude! I took in your sorry ass in for you to be successful and happy! Not to mope in your room all day!"

"I pay rent I can mope if I want too." Jimin quickly shut his mouth as Jin emitted a dominating aura. 

"Now listen here. Hoseok is sitting out there eating breakfast, that I woke up early to cook. So you are going to get up and go enjoy a meal. Before you take your ass to college while I work at the boba tea cafe. UNDERSTAND?" 

"Can I at least have my face mask?"

"NO! You have to learn how to love yourself. Eat a full meal and you'll get it back." Jin turned his back and walked out the door with another annoyed huff. 

Jimin sighed but then snickered as he reached into a drawer in his dresser to pull out another mask. "I've got backups." He tucked the bands behind his ears and trotted out into the kitchen. Jimin sat down in front of the delicious smelling food licking his lips under the face mask. 

Jimin yelped and the face mask got ripped from his face. "HOW DO YOU EVEN PLAN TO EAT WITH A MASK ON?" Jin yelled confiscating the mask. "Jimin you have to be proud of your birthmark." 

"Says you! You have finger marks on your hand! Hobi just has a handprint." Jimin muttered hanging his bangs over his face. 

Jin sighed. "Yes, but when I meet my soulmate I'll be proud of these marks. Even if they disappear. They are so subtle I can hardly ever seen them if my hands aren't spread out." 

"Hey Chim, lighten up. There are lots of circumstances where someone would touch your face. Not just for slapping." Hoseok mumbled through a face full of food. Jimin flashed Hoseok a small smile but remained silent as he ate his food. 

After Jimin finished eating and placed his dish in the sink. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and wanted to cry. This happened almost every morning. Get up, eat, look in the mirror, cry. Jimin couldn't stand to look at himself. Jimin sighed and covered the mark with foundation and concealer. 

Jimin grabbed his bag and followed Jin out the door, waving goodbye to Hoseok. Jin started his car as a small click came from Jimin's seatbelt. 

For the short fifteen-minute drive the two stayed silent. Jimin followed Jin into the shop and helped him set up. The bell overhead the door chimed causing both of them to look up. 

"Hey, Namjoon!" Jin waved from across the shop. "You're earlier than usual."

The man chuckled. "Yeah, I have a job interview so I needed to get up and going. I'll have the usual." Namjoon waved at Jimin and approached the counter where Jin began making his drink. 

"Here you go. That'll be six dollars and forty-seven cents." Jin said smiling at Namjoon. 

"Thanks," Namjoon placed a ten on the counter. "Keep the change." 

"Whoa there Mr. Fancy tipper. Is your new job some sort of CEO?" Jin asked placing the dollar in the bill and stabbing the straw through the top of the cup. 

Namjoon chuckled. "No, but you're my favorite worker here so I tip you extra. Don't tell your coworkers..." Namjoon reached out for his drink and as he did their fingers brushed together. A bright flash of light lit up the cafe before dimming down to a small golden glow. 

Both of them stood speechless. 

"But I've known you for so long!" Jin exclaimed. "You have come to this shop every day for the past five months!" 

"I guess this is the first time we've touched." Namjoon couldn't contain his smile, his dimples were showing. 

Jin reached up to boop his dimple. "I've always wanted to do that." 

Jimin watched in envy, sure he is happy for his friend, but their realization seemed so cute. So... Perfect for the type of person Jin is. What about his? What would it be like? A pissed off person at the bar or club? Someone who is just so annoyed with his presence. What if he would be stuck with someone abusive for the rest of his life? 

"Congratulations! I'll leave you guys here, and uh... go to college." Jimin rushed out of the store. Every time he saw someone meet their soulmate, it only reminded him of his own messed up fate. He knew he should be happy for his friend... And he is don't get him wrong. Just... Now Jin, Hoseok, and he can't complain about being single and without a soulmate. 

As he approached the campus, couples were sitting out in the courtyard. Jimin never talked to anyone. Mainly because they had found their soulmate, and seeing other people with their soulmate only made Jimin feel more miserable. He honestly found it remarkable that he even had Hobi and Jin.

Jimin quickly lost motivation to go to class. Seeing everyone so happy... That should make him happy. Right? Like Hobi... He is always happy when others are happy. But that's him... All Jimin could think about is that his soulmate would slap him. 

Why was this the only thing haunting his mind?

Why couldn't he just keep living happily?

Jimin decided to skip class. He knew he shouldn't be doing it but he couldn't just walk into class crying. He thought about what Jin had said earlier. Jin wouldn't be happy with him skipping. He was right, he didn't take him in for him to skip class. He needed to find a way to deal with his mark. 

But how?

✔Glowing Gold [Yoonmin]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang