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"ARE YOU INSANE?" Jimin yelped pulling at his hair. 

"Chim it's not that bad." 

While Jimin felt relieved that Yoongi didn't turn out to be Hobi's soulmate. That didn't mean he wanted to live with Yoongi! He didn't even know him, and Jin couldn't just abandon him!  


"Jimin I want to live with Namjoon. I'm sorry you are going to have to accept it."

Jimin whined. "Fine... When is he moving in..." 

"In like a week."



Hoseok came and ruffled Jimin's hair. "A week is plenty of time to get to know someone! We're meeting up later today!"

"I can't believe it... Both my hyung's betrayed me..." 

Jin sighed rubbing his temples. "Jimin just go out and meet Yoongi at least. You never know, he could be your new best friend." 


"Heyo~" Yoongi smiled rolling up in his small SUV. "So this is the apartment complex?" He asked watching Hoseok and Jimin jog up to him. 

"Yeah, you want the grand tour?" Hoseok beamed.

Yoongi hopped out of his car, closing the door and locking it. "Hey, Jimin right?" 


"Why'd you leave the other day?"

 "I was having a bad day," Jimin said it wasn't necessarily a lie.

"That's fine, we all have them. What do you like to do?"

Jimin thought for a moment. "I like to dance. I used to be on a team but I quit."

"Why'd you quit?" Yoongi asked and got no answer. "You don't have to answer that."

"WELCOME TO OUR CASA." Hoseok threw open the door making finger guns. 

"It's quite small." 

"Yeah... You'd probably get Jin's room, lucky." Hoseok sighed, Jin had the master bedroom because he originally got the apartment that they all moved into; so naturally, he got first dibs on the master bedroom. 

"Nice!" Yoongi rubbed his hands together.

"HEY WAIT!" Jimin interjected. "We've lived here longer shouldn't we get the master?"

Hoseok smirked. "Yeah, I think I should get the master bedroom!"

"How come you get the room! Shouldn't I get it!" Jimin pouted with his lip out hoping to get Hoseok to give in. 

"Because-" Hoseok sucked in a breath. Don't give in. Don't give in. 

Yoongi cut in again. "You guys already have bedrooms."

"Alright. How about we have a competition. The prize is the master bedroom." Hoseok suggested. Yoongi put his hand down, Hoseok put his hand over Yoongi's and then Jimin put his hand over Hoseok's. They had an agreement. 


"Wait so how are we going to gauge the points?" Yoongi asked popping a lollipop into his mouth. 

"Good question." Hoseok scratched his chin. "Well, where are we going?"

Yoongi got an idea that was relatively cheap and easy to figure out points. "How about the arcade?" 

"YEAH!" Jimin got excited, he was really good at Dance Dance Revolution, and Ski Ball, so it should be an easy steal. "We can see who gets the most credits!" 

"Deal!" The other two agreed, they both had their specialties at the arcade as well. They were all confident that by the end of the day the master bedroom would belong to them. 

The three of them hopped into Yoongi's car and went to the local arcade a competitive gleam in all their eyes. 

Neon lights and dark painted walls gave off a cave-like aura. Loud noises emitted from the machines as people won, and lost. 

"Three please." Jimin smiled and placed his money on the counter, Yoongi and Hoseok placing their money next to his. Jimin smirked eyeing the machines and putting a mask on. 

"Oh getting serious are we?" Yoongi teased the youngers actions. 

  "Yeah, gotta get serious to beat you for the master bedroom."

"Awe how cute. You think you'll win." Yoongi's eyes darted over to the basketball machine. 

"Of course I am." Jimin puffed out his chest. 

"Sorry losers but I'M the CLEAR winner here." Hoseok gloated. 

"Alright here are your wrist bands and cards. Have fun" The employee said in a boring monotone voice. 

The three instantly darted off to different games they had in the arcade ready to win some tickets. 

Jimin focused on ski ball however it was proving to be more difficult than anticipated because the basketball games were next to the ski ball machines. This meant that Jimin had a clear view of Yoongi landing basket after basket and racking up tickets. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Yoongi teased striking a small pose as the machine added credit onto his card. "Two-hundred." Yoongi scanned his wrist band and started shooting again. 

Jimin grumbled and threw the ball so it landed in the smallest hole at the top. The machine added credit to Jimin's card that was stuck in the machine at his feet. "THREE-HUNDRED!" He gloated. 

The two continued playing, gloating about their tickets to each other. Hours had passed and the two hadn't even noticed. They stood even at around twelve-thousand credits on the flimsy plastic card they carried around. Yoongi and Jimin got so busy competing with each other that they forgot about the third competitor. 

That feeling didn't last any longer as a very loud bang sounded through the arcade. "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Everyone in the arcade looked over to where someone had just won the jackpot for popping the balloon. One hundred thousand credits.

"Oh no." Jimin sighed.

"That's not... Hoseok right?" Yoongi glanced over nervously. 

"HAHAHA, SUCKERS! I WIN THE MASTER BEDROOM. OOH OOH." Hoseok danced and jumped around. 

They went to cash in their credits at the counter. Hoseok got the giant lava lamp for fifty thousand, an air hockey game for twenty thousand, and a Bluetooth speaker for thirty thousand, he spent the remaining credits on small candy. (Hoseok also got the master bedroom of course.) Jimin got a giant jar of candy and a calico cat plush and called it a day. Yoongi got a sign for his door that said "Genius Lab: DO NOT ENTER" and a mat of a cat flipping people off. 


"So guess I'll be in the room next to yours." Yoongi smiled.

"Yeah. Don't mess up the bathroom though because I will make you clean that for the next year if you do." Jimin muttered. 

"Okay, don't watch weird stuff late at night."

"Define weird."

Yoongi gave Jimin a look as if he should know what he was talking about.

"Oh... OH GOD NO! EW!" Jimin said defensively. 

They both chuckled. "You'll be okay being roommates with me?"

"Yeah, I will."


Meant to publish this earlier today but then I forgot I had a birthday party to go to. 

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