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It's been three days since Jimin exchanged numbers with Taemin and Yoongi was a cauldron full of bubbling jealousy. He didn't see why Jimin did nothing but text Taemin all day long. 

Yoongi glared from the kitchen as Jimin giggled and smiled while on his phone in the living room. Why can't he be the one to make Jimin smile and laugh like that? Why was he even jealous? Someone else existed and was the one for him. 

Hoseok was busy with his soulmate problems so he was oblivious to whatever was going on in the apartment. 

Namjoon said Yoongi would probably get over it soon.

Jin threatened him saying something along the lines of he should leave Jimin alone and not hurt him because Jimin was happy and finally did something for himself. 

Taehyung simply shrugged and said "That sounds like a you problem"

Then Jungkook said the same thing and added: "Have you tried putting it in rice?" 

So this meant Yoongi was on his own with his problems and his solutions were less than satisfactory. 

Bribe Jimin with ice cream. Then feel bad about bribing Jimin.

Bribe Jimin with cash. Then remember he's a broke college student that needs to pay tuition. And then try to find an alternative, just to feel bad for bribing Jimin again. 

Bribe Jimim with a puppy. Then realize taking care of an animal is a big responsibility. Then look up pictures of dogs because he's had a dog before. Then realize that dogs are expensive and remember he's STILL a broke college student.

Yoongi was running circles in his mind, and for what? His only option was to wait for his weird feelings to go away or for Taemin and Jimin to start dating so he could wallow in his room with a pint of ice cream. 


Options weren't looking that good.

"Alright! I'm heading out!" Jimin said exiting the bathroom. Whereas Yoongi was so lost in his thought he hadn't realized the younger left the couch. "Yo! Yoongi! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGI! YOONGLES? GOOGIE?" Jimin snapped his fingers in front of the olders face.

Yoongi blinked a few times to bring his eyes back into focus. "Uh, sorry what did you say?"

"I said I'm heading out," Jimin repeated.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked wondering where Jimin was going and if he could tag along. Because he didn't want to let Jimin out of his sight.

"Out," Jimin said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Well YEAH! But where? Where are you headed?" Yoongi asked.

"Out," Jimin repeated before shrugging on his coat and checking his phone. 

Yoongi sighed giving up watching Jimin walk off to the door. "Wait-" Yoongi paused. "You can't drive is someone picking you up?"

"Yep! Bye Hyung!" Jimin said skipping off closing the door behind him. 

And there he goes.

Leaving Yoongi all alone.

Yoongi sighed and walked over to plop himself on the couch, unsure of what to do. Jimin was gone so he had no one to converse to. Even then he preferred being alone. He just didn't like feeling lonely. 

Then of course as if god heard his thoughts Hoseok burst into the apartment. "Hey, Yoongi Boongi, how was your day?" Hoseok asked with an extra bounce in his step. 

"Boring?" Yoongi questioned as it was barely noon. 

"Oh sorry to hear that. Mine was great! I've been seeing Yeonghwan, and I think he might be the one." Hoseok said with a giant grin on his face.

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