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Author editing the book after it's completed would like to warn you of a past April fool's joke. 

"Ah, fuck." Jimin cursed throwing his head back on the mattress as Yoongi fucked him senseless. 


You know I had to do it to em

Anyway here's the chapter.

(Also this might be a little "Eh" because I was writing this at 6 am because I woke up to my girlfriend singing "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS MY FRIENDDDSSS-" While making tater tots after being up all night long.) 

I love her.

Yoongi stared hungrily at Jimin while he stretched. Jimin was facing the mirror in front of him which meant he had a full view of Jimin's backside, as well as the front if he simply looked in the mirror. 

Taemin was stretching next to Jimin but who cared that there was someone else in the room? Not Yoongi that's for sure.

Jimin tried to not look into the mirror because if he did, he'd see Yoongi's VERY intense stare. His brain couldn't function under the full, undivided attention, of Min Yoongi.  Even so, he kept glancing at the mirror to make sure Yoongi was watching him, and only him. Of course, he was, still and unblinking, only focused on Jimin. 

"Alright are you all warmed up?" Taemin asked standing up.

"UH-" Jimin remembered the original reason they were here and all his previous fears came right back at him like a brick. 

"It's okay if you aren't." Taemin smiled. "If you want I can spot you for a few standing stretches."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind that," Jimin said standing up. Taemin placed his hands on Jimin's waist to help him keep balance, guiding him through stretches.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the physical contact, something bubbling up inside him. 

No, it's just a dance practice Yoongi, you have no right to feel this way.


It's fine. It's a dance. Jimin is just his friend it doesn't even matter.


Yoongi continued to have a war with himself in his brain watching Jimin practice. This continued for the next twenty minutes and even though they never did anything more than stretch and practice simple positions. 

"Alright, I hope to be seeing you around more often," Taemin said to Jimin as he handed back the uniform.

Jimin flashed a small smile. "Yeah, definitely. Thanks for helping me today!" Jimin waved as he left the institution. "Wow, that was nerve-racking." Jimin exhaled as he climbed into Yoongi's car.

"What about it was nerve-racking?" Yoongi asked, still having that strange bubbling feeling inside him. 

"Dancing I guess?" Jimin questioned himself. "I haven't done it in so many years, it just feels weird to be doing it again." 

Yoongi glanced over at Jimin. "So it wasn't that Taemin was running his hands all over your body." The bubbling feeling inside him grew stronger as he spoke.

"What?" Jimin said quite confused and frankly shocked. Yoongi was usually the calmer one out of the to of them. "I mean... Maybe? But it's dancing, at one point or another you are going to have to get into someone else's personal bubble."

"Mhm." Yoongi simply hummed drumming his fingers on the wheel.

"What? What is it?" Jimin asked again, turning his body to face Yoongi as he was driving. 

"Nothing." Yoongi lied, even though that feeling was eating him up inside. Something telling him that only he was supposed to explore Jimin's body. That he wanted Jimin by his side forever, with no one else in the picture. 

Which was dumb and ridiculous in Yoongi's mind because they weren't even soulmates. He was only supposed to develop feelings for his soulmate right? He'd heard of people in relationships with a person that wasn't their soulmate, but he'd never wanted to be one of those people.

Actually... He did date a few people in high school because he was going through a rebellious stage... But nothing ever lasted, for obvious reasons. 

Jimin huffed. "Well, something is bothering you."

"I just-" Yoongi started. "I just didn't like the way Taemin was getting handsy with you. That's all." His brain told him he was being stupid but his heart told him he was fighting for a reason.

"That's absurd." Jimin scoffed at Yoongi's words. "We aren't soulmates," Jimin said referring to himself and Yoongi.

"Yeah, you guys aren't soulmates," Yoongi replied referring to Jimin and Taemin.

"I was talking about us."

Yoongi clicked his tongue. "I know." 

"We were just stretching, he was spotting me." Jimin defended himself. When Yoongi didn't respond Jimin sat back and crossed his arms. "Maybe being with Taemin would be better anyway, if my actual soulmate is abusive or something." He muttered under his breath thinking the older couldn't hear him. 

Yoongi however, did hear him, as he almost slammed on the brakes. "You don't know that," Yoongi said finally being able to calm himself down. "I'm sure your soulmate will cherish you." 

"You don't know that either," Jimin muttered rubbing his face, small amounts of concealer coming off.

Yoongi sighed admitting defeat. "You're right I'm sorry Jimin. I don't really know what came over me." There a twinge of pain in his chest, like he knew he was loosing more than this argument. But it hurt more to fight with Jimin. 

"I accept your apology," Jimin said, even though the younger was still quite upset. But he knew Yoongi meant what he said because Yoongi didn't like seeing him upset. Jimin guessed there was most likely a deeper meaning but he didn't feel like questioning Yoongi's reasons.

The two finally entered the apartment in silence both going back to their respective rooms. 

Jimin ran his hand through his hair thinking about what Yoongi had said. He really hoped that they had really made up and that Jimin wouldn't have another sleepless night thinking too hard about his relationships with people. 

Like he was doing now...

Maybe he was still upset because he couldn't be perfect for Yoongi like he wanted. Something inside him yearned for the olders presence, like a crush almost, but something far stronger. 

Jimin jumped when he heard a familiar sound through the wall, piano music. He simply smiled and laid back to enjoy it, knowing that they'd be okay. 



Also my gf's birthday is coming up so I'm going to get a small white box with a red ribbon and attach a balloon to it. Inside will be a Nintendo switch online year membership and an amiibo to her favorite animal crossing villager. GET ON MY LEVEL SCUMS. (I'm kidding I purple yall)            

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