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Happy Second Birthday to Yoongi~

Because it's now the 9th in the US so I can celebrate his birthday TWICE



"So you lied to him?" Hoseok angrily crossed his arms as the two of them sat down for their lecture. Hoseok had just been told what Jimin had done the previous day.

"I didn't know what to do!" Jimin tried to defend himself.

"Uh, I don't know hmmm. Let me think... Maybe... TELL THE TRUTH!" Hoseok hated it when people lied. Not even to him! To people in general. That's why it hurt seeing Jimin lie to Yoongi, he considered both of them his friends. "I'm not going to make you tell him because that's an issue with you. But I think you should." 

Jimin sighed and started taking notes on the lecture, not responding to Hoseok. Hoseok worked on his work as well glancing at Jimin occasionally.  Jimin began to drift off into his thoughts, what would happen if he told Yoongi about his soulmark? Nevermind... He didn't want to think about that... The more he thought about the lie the more the lines blurred if he felt guilty for telling it or not. Hoseok's glares and disappointed sighs made him feel guilty. However, the thought of Yoongi treating him with pity washed the guilt away. 

"Jimin. Hey, Jimin!" Hoseok tapped his shoulder. "Class is over, let's go meet the others." The seemingly short lecture had passed quickly. 

"Right... Right..." Jimin picked up his bag as he followed Hoseok out to the courtyard. 

Yoongi chatted with Jin and Namjoon, smiling as he saw the others approach. "Where are Taehyung and Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"Jungkook is in the testing center because he had to make up an exam. Taehyung is outside waiting for him..." Yoongi laughed. He wonders about the day that he would meet his soulmate. What they would be like together. That also made him think, back when Jimin did have a soulmate... What were they like together?

"Hey, Yoongi." Hoseok smiled. "I wanna talk to you about something." Hoseok pulled Yoongi away out of earshot from Jimin. He didn't want to do this to Jimin...

"Yeah? What is it?" Yoongi asked tilting his head to the side.

Hoseok knew he should stay out of it... Maybe he just needed to give Yoongi... A shove... A shove in the right direction. "Random fact but uh... Jimin has a tell for when he's lying... He smiles... But you can tell when he's genuinely smiling because his eyes puff up and he can't see. His eyes don't puff up when he's lying."

"Uh... Okay... I don't know why I needed to know that but thanks?" Yoongi said confused.

"HEY GUYS! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT OVER HERE?" Jimin loudly declared his presence. 

"Nothing." Hoseok glared at Jimin nodding towards Yoongi, expecting him to fess up.

Jimin cocked a brow wondering what Hoseok's sudden attitude was about. Oh god did he tell Yoongi? What did he tell Yoongi... Was Yoongi going to pity him? Was Yoongi going to never talk to him because he lied? 

"Is something going on between you two I don't know about?" Yoongi questioned picking up on the tension between the other two. 

"Nope, nothing at all." They both said.

Namjoon and Jin watched the three others off in the distance. "Do you think they're doing okay?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, they'll be fine. We're all adults." Namjoon assured.

"I just feel like all this change will negatively affect the group." Jin bit the side of his cheek. "I mean, even for adults moving away from comfort in such a short period of time..." Jin trailed off.

"I have confidence they'll work it out. That or someone will find their soulmate, and it'll all change again." Namjoon shrugged. "Come on let's go." He said taking Jin's hand in his own.

"Hey, guys! We are going home! See you tomorrow!" Jin called as he left with Namjoon. 

Jimin decided to ride with Yoongi home instead of Hoseok. "You sure nothing is going on between you and Hoseok?" 

"Yep. Nothing is going on." Jimin told with a fake smile.

"Okay..." Yoongi said not believing him.

Jimin got out of the car as they met Hoseok back at the apartment. Hoseok looked at Yoongi then back at Jimin. "You didn't tell him did you..."

"No... Did you tell him? You guys were sneaking around earlier!" Jimin accused. 

"I didn't tell him anything! It's your issue! Just tell him the truth!" Hoseok insisted.

"If it's my issue then stay out of it!" Jimin snapped. 

They both huffed and went to each other's separate rooms, leaving Yoongi standing very confused in the living room. He wasn't sure what was going on between them. It wasn't something having to do with him? No... It's fine they'll work it out. 

Yoongi went to his room, scribbling down some assignment notes. Looking at his mark on his right hand. Usually, people always meet their soulmates at the latest in their thirties. Beyond that was a very rare occurrence. He hoped to meet them soon, whoever they were. Hopefully, before his bum gets wrinkly. 

No matter how much he's stared at his hand his whole life it always looked a little different from others. It had full coverage of the palm of his hand, even the little creases. Everyone said it would be a handshake, but those marks didn't go all the way to the tips of his fingers and in the creases. Maybe he'd grab someone on the street, or give someone a high five. 

Yoongi daydreamed about the life he and his soulmate would have. He wasn't a sappy person, and he hated romantic comedies. But that didn't mean he wanted to utterly spoil his other half. Take them out to do all their favorite activities, maybe he'd play piano for them, he'd make them feel loved and never hurt them. 

"Soulmate... Please come soon..." Yoongi whispers to his mark with a bittersweet smile on his face. "I want to be happy and grow old with you like I'm supposed to."


After thing story do y'all want another soulmate au that's Yoonminseok or demon Yoongi yoonmin? [They are both published, Colors [Yoonminseok], Summoned [Yoonmin] ]

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