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As you wish

Here's the next chapter


Jimin yawned and walked out into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. 

"Sleep well?" A voice asked.

"Oh yeah, the-" Jimin paused realizing he was speaking to Hoseok and not Yoongi. "Yeah, I slept well." 

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Hoseok said putting a dish in the sink. "I have my own opinions but I shouldn't be forcing them on you." 

"I'm sorry too... I was up late thinking about it..." Jimin sighed. He didn't want to say that he'd tell Yoongi because he didn't want to have Hoseok mad at him again if he chickened out. 

Hoseok smiled. "Glad we can be friends again. Here... There's something on your face." Hoseok grabbed a wet rag and wiped it over Jimin's cheek. "Much better."

"Mmm... Thanks, Hobi." Jimin mumbled sleepily. "Hey, I might do ballet again."

"Oh really? Any reason?" Hoseok questioned. 

"Not really... Just was thinking about it and I kinda miss it."  

"Oh, you guys are up!" Yoongi smiled at the two in the kitchen before shooting Jimin a confused look. Hoseok turned away pretending to keep doing dishes. 

"What's that look for?" Jimin asked before he realized.

Hoseok wiped his face. 

Jimin used his hand to cover his face. "Oh yeah! Uhhhh... Wow, it looks like I might have another soulmate... Haha..." Jimin smiled as his eyes darted around the room, he knew that was a shitty excuse. 

"Jimin is there something that you want-" Before Yoongi could finish his sentence Jimin just bolted into his bedroom closing the door behind him. Yoongi wasn't far behind him as he jiggled the doorknob trying to get into the room as Jimin was having a panic attack on the other side. "Jimin!" Yoongi called, he was so damn confused. 

"NOTHING! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Jimin yelled hoping the older would just leave. 

"Jimin, I'm just confused!" Yoongi called. "I just want an explanation!" 

Jimin creaked open the door, keeping his foot planted so the door couldn't be pushed open further. His eyes brimmed with tears and his face covered with a mask. "Hi..." 

Yoongi crossed his arms, he didn't know what to ask. "Explain?" He said, much more like a question than a statement. 

"That thing... That story... About my soulmate dying in highschool? That was a lie." Jimin confessed biting his lip, which Yoongi couldn't see behind the mask. "I've never met my soulmate... I grew up... With..." Jimin stopped talking, a tear dripped down his face.

"Jimin take your mask off," Yoongi said trying to squeeze into the room.

"No!" Jimin held up his arms in front of his face defensively. This action allowed Yoongi to push open the door. "NO! NO! NO!" Jimin backed up eventually sitting on his bed. 

"Jimin... I know the mark is under there, let me see it!" Yoongi poked Jimin's cheek through the mask. Jimin shook his head. "Come on." Yoongi crossed his arms.

Jimin slowly reached up and slowly pulled the black fabric away from his face, giving Yoongi a full view of the mark on the side of his face. Yoongi stayed silent looking at the mark, the palm of the person's hand covered the majority of Jimin's cheek, the thumb just under his eye and the fingers going back into Jimin's hairline. 

"So you lied..." Yoongi questioned. 

"Yeah..." Jimin paused, as Yoongi opened his mouth again Jimin cut him off. "I KNOW IT WAS WRONG! I just... didn't want you to pity me... It's kinda stupid I know-"

"It's not stupid," Yoongi said still studying Jimin's face. "So did you cover it up?"

"Yeah... ever since... seventh grade? I've bought so much concealer in these past years..." Jimin scratched the back of his neck. "Hoseok and Jin know about it, I'm not sure about Namjoon. I'm sorry for lying to you."

"But also... if you didn't want me to pity you... You could've just said so... or at the very least, wouldn't your soulmate dying... theoretically... make me pity you more?" Yoongi questioned carefully.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again. "Uh..." Jimin didn't really have an explanation for that, he really just thought of an excuse and ran with it. 

Yoongi chuckled as he had achieved his goal of making the younger stop crying. "You don't really know that they are going to slap you though." 

"Jin says that too. But everyone else has always told me that's what's going to happen. Some days I deal with it better than others." Jimin sighed wiping the tears off his face and leaning back against the wall. 

"Is that why you were crying last night?"

Jimin pursed his lips. "You heard me?"

"Walls are pretty thin. Why did you think I started playing the piano?" Yoongi said tapping the wall. 

"I don't know I thought that was just something you did and that you thought everyone was asleep." Jimin shrugged pulling his knees close to his chest. "So anyway... Guess now you know..." 

"Nah, I play a lot, but last night was for you."


"You said everyone has always told you that you'll get slapped?" Yoongi asked glancing over at the younger, who was now staring off into space. 

"Yeah." Jimin took a deep breath. "Um... My mom had a little more faith that I might not get slapped than my dad but they both thought that's what would happen. And then in middle school, I got bullied a lot. They said that I couldn't be loved and a bunch of other shit." 

"Alright. Get up." Yoongi said hopping off the bed. 


"We're getting ice cream," Yoongi said triumphantly. 

"You know ice cream won't solve all your problems," Jimin said getting up. "And I haven't had breakfast yet. And I'm still in my pajamas."

"Nonsense ice cream is great!" Yoongi insisted. "Also ice cream can work for breakfast. And we can go through the drive-through if you don't want to put on real clothes.

Jimin followed Yoongi out into the living room where Hoseok was. "We are going out for ice cream! Want anything?" Yoongi offered. 

"No thanks." Hoseok hummed. "Did you tell him?" He asked looking at Jimin.

"Yeah... I did... ALSO, I KNOW YOU WIPED MY CONCEALER OFF ON PURPOSE!" Jimin huffed crossing his arms, turning away from Hoseok. 


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