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I am going to admit, I was evilly cackling at my computer at your reactions to the last chapter. I'm a little sadistic. But most writers are so...


Jimin gasped as he covered his face. "Holy shit Yoongi-"

"Jimin it's fine," Yoongi said rubbing his cheek. Yoongi had decided to step in to prevent Jimin from getting hurt resulting in the bright red mark on his cheek. "I was the one who decided to step in. It's not your fault." 

"Come on," Jimin said grabbing the sleeve of Yoongi's shirt. 

"YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT! YOU BETTER RUN!" The other guy yelled, to which Jimin promptly flipped him off and stuck his tongue out. His face got red again but before he could do damage, security showed up and escorted his off the premises. Jimin smiled triumphantly before dragging Yoongi off to get some ice.

Yoongi winced as Jimin pressed a red solo cup full of ice (temporary ice pack) to his cheek. "Well, I hope the other's are having a good time." He commented.

"Sorry, this had to happen. I mean, you didn't have to step in that could've been my soulmate." Jimin joked. 

"Wait Jimin-"

"I'm kidding. He didn't have a mark on his hand." Jimin smiled sadly, he then shook it off and handed Yoongi the cup. "Here you do it, my arm is getting tired." 

Yoongi chuckled taking the cup from Jimin holding it against his cheek. "I mean, where even are the others?"2

JImin shrugged. "Beats me. We just need to find Jin because he has the car keys. Doubt he'd wanna go home this early though." Jimin sighed crossing his arms, he looked at Yoongi holding the cup to his face. "Sorry, this kinda ruins the whole night, doesn't it?"

"Nah, you didn't get slapped so, I guess it was worth it." Yoongi flashed a gummy smile to Jimin.

"But I'm supposed to get slapped eventually," Jimin argued, still upset the older had to get hurt.

Yoongi bit his cheek. "Well, let's hope it's only once or not at all then."

"It'll happen eventually it'll happen." Jimin sighed. The conversation died off but Jimin wanted to keep talking, he had to think of a way to start a conversation again. "Uh... So you play the piano. How long?"

Yoongi looked almost shocked that Jimin was still there with him and not getting more to drink. "Um, since I was a child, my mom enjoyed playing so she taught me. I want to compose more music, even if it's not for a career, just for fun."

"Ah, then there's me with my glorious major," Jimin said placing a hand on his chest to emphasize his dramatic flare.

"Which is?" Yoongi questioned. 


"That's not bad."

"Yeah, I don't know what to do after I graduate though." Jimin shrugged stretching his arms behind him.

Yoongi thought for a moment. "You can choreograph things, or be a backup dancer." 

"I guess I could perform. I like performing. Hoseok wants to do choreography though."

"Doesn't mean you can't."

"True. But I'd feel bad if I stole an opportunity from him. I want to start ballet again though."

"Oh, ballet? I'm not sure if I pictured you ever doing ballet but now that you mention it I can totally see it." Yoongi smiled. 

Jimin mirrored his smile. "I would brag about how flexible I am, but I worry I'd rip these pants doing to splits."

Yoongi chuckled taking the cup away from his face. "That would be pretty hilarious."

"Oh yeah?" Jimin said attempting to stretch to do the middle splits. "Nope, nevermind can't do it."

Yoongi chuckled again. "Maybe later?"

"Yes! Yes later, totally gonna show you my awesome flexibility." Jimin said still stretching a bit. "Mhm."

"If you keep gloating like that I'm going to think you're bluffing," Yoongi said as the two simply smiled at each other. "Well go on. Have fun." 

Jimin smiled and went to get another drink. From there the night got a little fuzzy. He only remembered flashes of light and drunk dancing. 

When Jimin woke up the next morning his head was pounding for two different reasons. One, he was severely hungover. Two, he hit his head on the coffee table. Because when he woke up, he was under the coffee table. 

His head rang as he climbed out from underneath the table. How'd he even get there? This was his apartment, right? Hoseok was asleep on the couch, one leg off the couch, arms flopped everywhere.

"Hoseok." Jimin shook his limp figure. "Hoseok! Hobi-Hyung wake up!" 

Hoseok groaned and rolled over. "Want more sleeeeeeeep!" 

"So you guys are finally up!" Yoongi said walking into the living room. "You know it's like two in the afternoon right?" 

"WHAT?" Hoseok sat up looking at Yoongi.

"Not so loud!" Jimin winced covering his ears. "So does anyone remember what happened last night?"

"From what point?" Yoongi asked sitting down on the floor. 

"Uh, after you got slapped," Jimin said rubbing the crust out of his eyes. 

"WAIT! YOONGI GOT SLAPPED?" Hoseok asked VERY loudly.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Jimin said covering his ears again.

"Jimin did you-" Hoseok began to ask but stopped when he turned and saw the mark still on Jimin's face. 

Jimin shook his head. "No. I did get in a fight though. Yoongi stepped in and got slapped. Anyway, Yoongi go ahead." 

"I drove home because everyone else was too drunk to. The car ride home was CHAOTIC!" Yoongi groaned remembering it. 

No one had a seatbelt on. Jimin was in the front seat and all he did was laugh the whole time. Everyone else was crawling around in the back, rolling on the floor, hitting each other. Luckily no one flew across the car but Hoseok got pretty close to being thrown in the front seat.

"Then when you two got home Hoseok collapsed instantly and YOU!" Yoongi said turning to Jimin. "Hid under the coffee table and pretended to be a turtle. Occasionally popping your limbs out, as 'coming out of your shell.' And I went to bed." 

"Wow..." Hoseok rubbed his face.

Jimin gasped. "OH MY GOD!"

"Who's being quiet now?" Hoseok asked.

"Your hand! Your mark is gone!"


So how are y'all doing in quarantine? If you're in quarantine...

The only thing keeping me going is that Animal Crossing is coming out. 

My family works in the ICU so I won't be able to see them until this whole thing is over though... Good luck to all the retail and service workers! Good luck to all the people that are currently out of a job as well! 

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