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I literally made a post the other day how nothing had canceled in my state yet and I wake up today and the whole state just shut down-

The whole... America

Just shut down

(Author editing this after wants to say IT'S BEEN A YEAR. SEND HELP.)


Jimin tossed and turned in his bed late at night unable to get to sleep. His conscience wouldn't settle as his thoughts raced in his mind. 

I shouldn't have lied to Yoongi. Hobi's words were getting to him.

No! He is going to judge me! Just like everyone else did!

Jimin squeezed his eyes closed hoping to chase away the bad memories of his past. 

"Introduce yourself to the class. It's okay..." Mrs. Choi, Jimin's sixth-grade teacher said. Her eyes darted around the room gaging his peer's reactions. She talked slowly and carefully as you would to a toddler. 

"H-Hello... I'm Park Jimin... Nice to meet you all!" Jimin shyly bowed.

A student raised his hand and Mrs. Choi called on him. "Excuse me... What's on your face?" 

"Sanghyuk! That's not an appropriate question!" Mrs. Choi shushed him.

"BUT WHAT IS IT?" The little boy insisted.

"It's my soulmark." Jimin shrugged.

The class gasped whispering among themselves. Jimin tilted his head in confusion, he'd never gotten a reaction like this to his soulmark before. I mean sure people always stared at him weirdly, but they never reacted like this. 

"Does that mean someone would slap you?" 

"Huh?" Jimin asked touching his face.

"I feel so bad for him. Imagine having a soulmate that would hate you..." Another little girl whispered. 

"Maybe he deserves it. The universe just knows!"

"I'm glad I don't have one like that. I don't know what I'd do with myself."

Jimin groaned loudly kicking the wall adjacent to his bed. "Stop thinking brain! STOP THINKING! GO TO SLEEP BRAIN!" He yelled at himself. Jimin sucked in a breath fighting back tears, he didn't want to have these thoughts, he didn't want to have these memories. Damnit he just wanted to be happy. He was happy back when he was a child. To be fair his bullshit detector was much lower. 

*Might wanna play that music now*

Jimin closed his eyes again trying to fall asleep. He then cracked his eyes open again at the sound of piano music through the walls. It was a very soft sound, yet loud enough for Jimin to hear it without causing a real disturbance. 

Jimin began humming along, which didn't work very well because he didn't know the melody or tune but it soothed his mind and drowned out his bad thoughts. 

"Doo, do do, do do... Doo doo doo... Dodo doo do du do do doodo." He quietly hummed closing his eyes again, nodding his head feeling at peace. 

Jimin could hear the emotion played through each note. He scooted over next to the wall he shared with Yoongi and pressed his ear to the wall to get a better listen. He wasn't even sure what song Yoongi currently decided to play, he'd never heard it before.

As Jimin closed his eyes again he pictured Yoongi on the other side of the wall. Unsure if Yoongi knew he was listening or not. He pictured his long slender fingers dancing across the keys in the small dimly lit room. 

He also wondered why Yoongi happened to be playing the piano at such a late hour. Jimin guessed that this was a regular occurrence and that Yoongi must have thought everyone was asleep.

Jimin didn't mind though, Yoongi played the piano very well and the song soothed his nerves. He tried to think of the last time he listened to music like this. As a dance major, he currently listened to hip hop but this music made him reminisce to back when he did ballet as a child. 

Before all the thoughts about soulmates really affected him. 

Jimin wondered if he should get back into ballet. He certainly had the flexibility to do it still. The sport brought Jimin joy back when he did it. Jimin smiled in the darkness of his room, he needed more joy in his life.

Yoongi clearly had his passion for piano, Jimin guessed he'd been playing since early childhood. This leads to more questions inside of his head. 

Did he ever compete?

Who taught him? 

Did he have a professional teach him or did a family member teach him?

The emotion in the music, Jimin guessed that this song, in particular, had come from someone dear to him. He continued to smile to himself and hum along to the song, his body pressed against the wall.

Even though Jimin could pick up on the emotion he had trouble guessing which one. Happy? No sad? Possibly? Jimin decided to stop trying to guess things and continue to listen to the piece. 

His mind trailing back to images of Yoongi's hands gliding back and forth from key to key. He pictured his eyes closed as a relaxed yet focused expression dawned his face because he knew this song from memory. The shadows of the dimly lit room would contour his face, bringing out his sharp features. Jimin could see Yoongi sitting at the keyboard, sheet music possibly taped to the wall, just in case, even though he didn't need to look at it. 

He then pictured a small child-like Yoongi barely tall enough to reach the keys. His small hands trying to play the notes as a pair of delicate motherly hands guided her son's fingers across the keys.

The thought made Jimin smile, knowing Yoongi most likely had a happy childhood. Yoongi deserved that and a happy life too.

Jimin finally drifted to sleep towards the end of the song, a small smile still plastered on his face as he continued to think and dream happy thoughts.




Yoongi stopped playing the piano and opened his eyes looking at the wall, the other male behind it. He listened carefully, the younger had finally gone to sleep. He wished for the younger to be happy and it hurt him to hear Jimin crying in the middle of the night. The song was something his mother played for him as a child when he couldn't sleep or got scared about the monsters under his bed. He hoped Jimin liked the song and that he would now be able to sleep peacefully.  


Day 23 in the chamber, they ain't guess the ending yet but when they do they gon' be surprised-

Also when y'all want the next update? It's prewritten so pick a date.

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