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I just want to let you know that I mark every smut chapter with a [M] so... Look at the 20. And what is or isn't next to it. 



"What?" Jimin asked even though he heard Yoongi perfectly well. 

"I asked if you wanted to shower together." Yoongi's lip twitched upwards. 

"What?" Jimin repeated. 

"You know... SHOWER. TOGETHER." 


"Then why did you say what?" Yoongi said with a somewhat cocky tone. 

"I-" Jimin paused. "I... Alright fine..." He muttered.

"What?" Yoongi blinked looking at Jimin.

"Oh, who's saying 'what' now?" Jimin huffed. 

Yoongi stood up wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. "You know I was kidding... We don't have to if you don't want to."

"No... I want to." Jimin said brushing Yoongi's messy hair away from his eyes.

"For real? And not just to please me?" Yoongi asked as Jimin nodded. "Alright then." Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead. 

Jimin tip-toed to the bathroom hoping Hoseok wasn't awake yet. Yoongi chuckled watching him act all stealthy as he made his way across the hall to grab some towels.  He entered the bathroom to see Jimin leaning up against the sink. Yoongi placed the towels down and turned the water on. 

"Are you going to shower with your clothes on?" Yoongi teased looking at the younger who was as stiff as a board. Yoongi pulled his shirt over his head beginning to strip himself of his clothes. Jimin simply stared from his place frozen by the sink. Yoongi chuckled as the two made eye contact. "Take a picture it'll last longer."

Jimin found himself holding his breath at the sight before him. Yoongi's chiseled chest and abdomen. He didn't have huge arm muscles like Jungkook but his arms were perfectly proportioned to his body. Jimin's eyes trailed lower down to his v-line and...






Yoongi approached him and Jimin's heart went ballistic, he had a naked Yoongi in front of his, drawing closer. Who could expect him to remain calm? Jimin thought he was about to pass out if he was honest. 


"You okay baby?" Yoongi asked sliding his hands under Jimin's shirt. 

"Mhm." Jimin nodded letting Yoongi undress him as he was still frozen to his current spot. Their lips joined in a kiss as Jimin finally began to relax. 

Yoongi lead Jimin into the shower, letting the warm water cascade down his back. Jimin smiled admiring how the water dripped off of Yoongi's dampening hair and stuck to his forehead. The steam coming from the water gave him an ethereal mist that made the scene surreal. He ran his hand up Yoongi's wet torso before resting his hand on the back of Yoongi's neck joining their lips in a kiss. 

"Turn around." Yoongi prompted placing his hands on Jimin's waist. Jimin obliged, turning around, now with his back to Yoongi. Yoongi flipped Jimin's fringe back exposing his forehead as he gathered a glop of shampoo in his hands. He gently massaged the thick substance into the younger's scalp, being careful to keep water and suds out of his eyes. 

Jimin hummed at the feeling of Yoongi's fingers running through his hair. He leaned back against Yoongi's chest, enjoying the free scalp massage. 

Yoongi took his time rinsing out the bubbles in Jimin's hair and moved on to scrubbing his back with the mesh shower puff. It was around this time that Jimin turned back around deciding to scrub some shampoo into Yoongi's hair as well. It might not have felt as good but Jimin liked the intimate act of washing each other.

Yoongi handed the sudsy shower puff to Jimin and shamelessly starred as Jimin washed his thighs. Jimin turned back to Yoongi when he was done with a slight giggle. 

"What do you have planned?" Yoongi asked suspiciously.

Jimin shook his head. "Nothing~" He cooed before splashing Yoongi in the face with a small amount of water he had gathered in his hands.

"Alright, very funny." Yoongi chuckled flicking some water back at Jimin. "Come here." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's waist pulling him close. 

Jimin grabbed onto Yoongi's arms to keep himself from slipping as he looked up at Yoongi. "I love you." 

"I love you too," Yoongi said bringing his hand back up to Jimin's cheek and giving Jimin a brisk kiss. 

He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower throwing a towel around his waist. He then wrapped Jimin in his towel like a burrito. 

Jimin's hair and face stuck out of the top with a slight pout. "Was it necessary to burrito me?"

"I think you look adorable in a burrito." Yoongi smiled kissing Jimin's forehead, grabbing another towel to dry off his hair. Yoongi scrubbed the towel on Jimin's head making the younger let out a small squeak. 

"GAH! Yoooooooongiiiiii!" Jimin huffed peeking out from the towel on his head. However, the younger couldn't help but mirror Yoongi's smile. "I've said it a lot already but I love you." 

"I love you too baby," Yoongi said taking the towel off of Jimin's head and handing Jimin some clothes for him to put on.

Once both of them were dressed Yoongi gave Jimin another kiss that he quickly reciprocated. Running his tongue along Jimin's bottom lip the kiss quickly deepened. Jimin stumbled backward finding himself clutching the sink counter again. Yoongi grasped Jimin's thighs giving him a small boost to sit upon the counter. Jimin wrapped his leg's around Yoongi's figure instinctively, snaking his arms up behind the older's neck and gripping at his hair. 

Jimin finally pulled away with a small pop from their lips. "We've been in here for like an hour at least."

"I'm not complaining." Yoongi shrugged, helping Jimin down from the counter. 

The two entered the living room where Hoseok sat with earbuds in. Hoseok noticed their presence and took out his earbuds with his sunshine like a smile. "You two seem happy." 

"We are." Jimin smiled resting his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. 

"I'm glad you found your match, Chim. Also, don't worry about noise, I'll sleep with earplugs."

"Hoseok we-" Jimin's jaw dropped at his Hyung's bold statement. 

Hoseok simply winked at the pair.


I am a bitch for soft shower scenes. But don't get me wrong I'm also a bitch for hot kinky shower sex. But I wanted to write a soft shower scene.

And I know I kept mentioning my girlfriend's birthday but I didn't mention that it's my birthday today because our birthdays are seven days apart. 

Aries quarantine birthday squad!

I was a Friday the 13th baby just like Jimin. 

Wait is this why I like watching crime TV shows? 🤔

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