Chapter 7

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Vivian P.O.V

I called Celeste's house and Dominic answered the phone. I was still very scared even though my attacker was nowhere in sight. I didn't trust the idea that he had left because everything happened very quickly it was like I a nightmares with none of it being real.

So I called Celeste because I needed comfort and company. I needed to feel safe again and hopefully get some answers because I needed to know what kind of creature the psycho guy who decided to put a twisted curse on me was.  So I got hot guy Dominic on the phone since apparently my landlord was out with her lover.

I told him that someone was in the cabin and I didn't need to elaborate more and he said he was coming right away. In no less than 5 minutes he was already knocking on my door and I was surprised at his urgency. I must admit its kinda cute how he rushed to see if I was ok , in fact one would say I'm a lucky girl to have a hunk like him around who is always ready for the rescue.

Once he was inside I explained to him what had happened a few minutes ago and he tentatively listened to my every word with no interference. After I said the last word he then started to speak.

"Alrick is a very dangerous creature, we must be careful with this. Vivian you cannot tell anyone about this curse. Alrick has been at war with our kind for centuries and there are whispers that there is another war brewing. Surely he wants something from your father to help him win or maybe he wants him to join his war party so its important that you do not breathe a word to anyone about this because many people would rather see you die than give allowance to you  to deliver your father which could give him an advantage in the war." 
- Dominic

" why does he smell different from us?
- Vivian

" He is not our kind, he is a lightning bird or some people called them Zurins, they have the power to change the weather, call on lightning at will and other dangerous abilities like invisibility."

" so he is undefeated? "

"In battle yes he is undefeated but that does not mean he does not have a weakness, Zurins are all male making their greatest weakness females, once they mate they become loyal servants to their wives. Meaning that the wife makes the rules and they follow whatever command their wife gives. Therefore  if the wife is an evil bitch then otherworld is indeed doomed, but if she is kind and fair then there will be peace and prosperity in the world with perfect weather conditions. Many people do not know of this because other creatures fear and cower away from them. Another factor is that no female wants to cross paths with their kind since they can be very jealous once they have their eye on a certain female, they start killing every male around her, even the ones of blood relation.

I was speechless at this information and all I could think about was how I was ever going to get rid of the curse. If this creature is evil and vile like he is describes then its not going to be a walk in park. But I was certain of one thing though , that I will die trying. I will not let that sick creature violate me like this. So I continued to press Dominic for information.

" So is there any way I could get rid of the curse?"

"Only the caster can undo it, its very old magic and difficult to manipulate. So you have no choice but to deliver your father"

Now I was worried, I mean how will I deliver him a father even I his own daughter barely even knows?.

How do I even get to Otherworld?

Those were the question running a marathon through my mind at that moment. I have known earth all my silly little and boring life, well until I arrived in Wierdberg. To say I didn't know a clue about Otherworld would be downplaying my situation.

But I had a curse in my chest and a father to deliver so I had to snap out of it because shit just hit the fan and splattered all over my face!! ......and  now it was time to wipe it.

" I will accompany you to Otherworld, do not trouble yourself. But we must do so tonight before anyone in town senses your curse. Once they do they will suspect and ask questions and some of them are spies for the Elders and we can't risk them finding out about your predicament."
- Dominic

And just like that we decided to leave immediately that night without breathing a word to anyone about it.  Something told me to trust Dominic and I did, well its not like I had an abundance of choices since I was new in all of this supernatural stuff . Also I needed a guide in Otherworld since this is my first trip there and I wished it was under different circumstances. Ones that did not include a sick curse and a psychopathic birdman.

I was also scared out of my wits simply because everything took a fast turn in a matter of two days in that town. But I didn't show it to my new travelling companion, I didn't want pity from him or worse him thinking that I'm some damsel in distress and he has the burden of rescuing me.

Hope u like this chapter, vote and plz comment.

Can she trust Dominic? Pls comment ur answer I wanna know what you would do in this situation.

Luvvv u guys!!!!

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