Dragon kind.

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Very powerful comes in many different colours. Colour is in DNA of the father so if father is a Gold Dragon then all offspring will take after him.

Gold Dragons - Very good leaders and warriors. Always going after positions of power and collecting titles and awards. Their treasure is not gold but a powerful seat in the royal council even in the human world. Will kill to keep or obtain a powerful title.

Silver Dragons - Very good with magical arts and always going after magical tools and artifacts. Their treasure vault is also not full of gold but instead of magical artifacts of the highest value. Will kill you if you set foot in their layer.

Bronze Dragons - Very curious always going to the human world or other regions in Otherworld where other creatures live to observe and conduct research on culture, arts and Politics etc. Their treasure is research and their layer is full of books. Will kill to protect their layer. Are are also very skilled fighters like Gold and Red Dragons.

Brass Dragons - Lovers of art and music. Always looking for historical or rare paintings and sculptures . Are notoriously famous for abducting great artists as part for their treasure collection.

Red Dragons - masters of War. Always creating armies of Drykes to fight their petty battles. They feed off war and are only happy when there is bloodshed. Their treasure is how big of an army a Re
d Dragon can create.

Black Dragon - Pure evil creatures only driven by greed. Probably the only type of Dragon that collects actual Gold and other precious stones. They don't need any reason for killing, they just do it for pure pleasure.

Blue Dragon - Driven by lust always chasing lovers. Are famous for abducting their lovers and keeping them hostage. Are also obsessed with mermaids and sirens. Their treasure layer looks like a brothel since they collect women/men.

White Dragons - Most live in monasteries and temples. Very religious and always looking for some type of deity to worship. Are the only type of Dragon that believes in denying the flesh of any pleasures or material possessions. Many of them are monks.


Half dragon and half other creature. They possess Dragon powers only if father is a Dragon. If their father is a powerful Dragon then halfbreed will be as powerful as a fullblood Dragon.

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