03 | Seize the Day

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"It's Friiiiiiday! You know what that means! A varsity basketball game at 7 p.m. in the main gym. Come one, come all! Come cheer on your Strayer Mustangs as they take on Central High's Eagles!"

The announcer clicks off and I continue doodling in my notebook, ready to get out of my second to last class of the day.

My chair jerks forward, causing me to draw a line through the paper. I sigh internally and try my best to ignore the person behind me. Another kick.

"Vienna." I ignore his annoying voice. "Psst."

I spin around. "What do you want, Seth?"

He crosses his freckled arms and leans back into his chair, looking smug. "So, will Liv be at the game tonight?"

Olivia hates it when people call her Liv. "She has a boyfriend."


"So. He'll beat your-"

"Miss Conley, if you finish that sentence, you'll be spending the rest of your Friday afternoon in detention." Mrs. Wools says, looking at me pointedly.

I huff and turn back around to face the front of the classroom. Axel's eye catches mine and he raises an eyebrow, looking pompous. He smirks as I glare at him.

These boys can go stuff it where rainbows don't shine.

The bell rings and the students around me start packing up their bags. I'm one of the last ones to leave as I walk out of the classroom, but a strong shoulder bumps into mine as someone pushes past me.

"My bad." By his tone, I can tell he doesn't mean it. It's almost like he's mocking me. All he does is glare at me as he walks away.

"Yeah, your bad," I mutter under my breath as I stare at Axel's back.

In the hallway on my way to my last class I spot Mr. Becker, my photography teacher, waving me down. "Vienna!" He's out of breath by the time he reaches me.


"Are you going to the basketball game tonight?" he asks as he pushes his glasses up his nose.

I shoulder my backpack and hang on to the strap. "Yes sir. My brother is playing."

He smiles, finally catching his breath as he puts his hands on his hips. For a stick skinny guy, he's definitely not in shape. "Would you be able to take pictures for the yearbook?

"Yes." I crack a smile.

Mr. Becker releases a breath, looking relieved. "Good, I can't wait to see them!" he calls down the hallway, scurrying off to wherever he's going next.

* * *

The band is playing as I walk into the main gym with my camera in hand, the sound of drums and trumpets echoing off the walls. I look at the visitor side of the gym, packed with parents and students from Central High. Whenever it's Strayer High versus Central High, the gym is always crammed because everyone knows it's going to be a game you don't want to miss.

Neither team has come out to warm up yet, so the cheerleaders are in the middle of the court doing their thing. I look around to see if I can spot Olivia, finally seeing her with Elea.

Waving at them to get their attention, I walk up and try to yell over the band. "Hey!"

Elea and a nervous looking Olivia smile back at me. The gym is so loud that we can barely hear each other so we walk to a quieter part of the gym to talk.

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