15 | Bethany Moore

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I roll out of bed when it's finally an acceptable time. Not getting any sleep is eventually going to hit me today, especially since I hadn't been able to go back to sleep when I woke at five a.m. My bedroom door squeaks as I crack it open. It's a Saturday morning and usually everyone in my household sleeps in on the first day of the weekend.

Quietly, I make my way to the bathroom that's on my side of the upstairs level. The door softly clicks behind me as I shut it.

In the mirror, a girl with dark circles and dark matted brunette hair stares back. Before bed, my hair was in a loose ponytail, now it sticks out in random places.

I run a comb through my hair and put it back into a loose ponytail. The cold water hits my face and wakes me up a little more. After I'm done drying my face off, I place the hand towel folded up on the sink and walk out. I don't even bother putting makeup on today.

Once I'm finished tying my laces, I pat the top of my pink Vans, my lucky shoes. My backpack and skateboard sit by each other in the corner of my room. I make sure to grab both things before I finally head downstairs.

I try to keep my footsteps light as I descend the stairs. Surprisingly, my mom is already in the kitchen when I walk in. She's sitting at the table drinking her coffee and staring out the window. I clear my throat in hopes of not startling her.

She stands up quickly when she sees me. "Are you already leaving?"

Shrugging, I twist my mouth to the side. "I couldn't sleep."

My mom walks towards me and closes the distance between us. She pulls me in for a hug, squeezing tight as I awkwardly hold my backpack and skateboard. "Please keep your phone on all day today. And please, please respond if we text you.

I flinch as I nod my head. Last year when I'd left on the day of the accident, I had turned my phone off, not wanting to be bothered. Let's just say it wasn't a good idea by the time I got home. My family had been freaking out.

Her hands are on my upper arms and she rubs them. "I love you, Vienna. Don't ever forget that." She brushes a few stray pieces of hair out of my face and then kisses my forehead.

Before I leave, I hug her once more and then head to the front door. As much as it hurts her to see me walk away, she knows I need to do this.

Since it's early, the weather is still a little cool. The light breeze hits my face and I breathe in. My hand clasps the necklace around my neck and I smile. It's not a good day, but it's going to be a good day. For some reason I can just feel it.

I skate towards the first stop of the day. The location of the accident.

Hudson, Jaden, Olivia, and I made sure to avoid the intersection whenever we went to the fair. We always parked on the other side now. Sadly, the accident didn't only affect me, but it affected my family and friends.

After the accident, Hudson became a worrier. He wasn't before, but since that day he's always kept an eye on me, never completely letting me out of his site. I swear, even when we're not together, he somehow knows where I am or if I'm about to cause trouble. We were close before the accident, but after it brought us even closer.

About a week after the accident, Jaden finally asked Olivia out. At first, they were nervous to tell me because I was still in a fragile state at the time, but them getting together is part of what helped me move on. At least something good had come from the accident.

I wonder sometimes if the accident is why she never became the friend to ditch her best friend for a boy. Usually most girls go through that phase, even if it's just for a little bit. Lucky for me, Olivia never went through it. She always made sure to be there for Jaden and me.

Inevitable Moments ☑जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें