07 | Itty Bitty

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A yawn escapes my mouth as I sit in the passenger seat of Olivia's car with my feet propped up on her dashboard. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up. "You think she'll go?"

Olivia glances in her blind spot and gets into the next lane. "I think so."

Pulling into a parking spot, we wait for Elea to come out. She shuts the door and walks towards us. I get up and shift the seat so she can climb in the back.

Elea leans forward as I sit back in the seat. "So where are we going again?"

Olivia glances at her through the rearview mirror. "A boutique. It has the cutest dresses. I think we'll all find something to wear." She looks pointedly at me.

Another yawn. "You think I'll find something?"

We're going to the fair tonight and Olivia wants us to all look cute. Hence the boutique. I know her and Elea already have cute clothes in their wardrobes, so I feel this little shopping trip is mainly for my benefit. Plus, our way of getting Elea to do something for us.

"Yes, even if that means going to the mall." She turns the volume up on the radio.

Oh yes, the mall. Poor Cosmo and Jared. I was staying away from there at all costs. That meant I needed to find something to wear at this boutique.

I crank the volume even higher when I hear what song it is.

Olivia and I shout, "I got my back against the record machine!" Elea records us, laughing her head off.

I throw my hands in the air, enjoying the warm air. The three of us continue singing the song.


Olivia stops at a red light, smirking. She knows what's coming. "Hey, Elea. Make sure you get this on camera." Elea looks confused but continues recording.

I get out of the car and shut the door. Making sure no one is around me, I throw my hands up and push with my legs. Olivia starts honking her horn along to the song as I do my backflip. The truck behind us starts honking their horn as well.

"That's my girl!" Olivia yells, laughing.

The light turns green and I run back and jump into the car. Buckling my seatbelt, I peer at Elea and see that her mouth is hanging open. "Are you guys crazy?" she shouts.

Olivia and I bust out laughing and Elea crosses her arms, trying to look mad.

"Gotta make life thrilling somehow," I respond. My arm hangs out over the side of the door as Olivia drives to the boutique shop.

A bell jingles as we walk into the clothing store. Behind the counter a petite, older lady looks up. "Hi, girls. Can I help you with anything?"

Grinning, Olivia looks at the lady. "Just looking for dresses!"

The lady smiles and says, "if you need any help, just let me know."

"Thank you," the three of us chorus.

We look at a few dresses and grab the ones we think are possible choices. Elea goes to try on her picks first.

Olivia and I look at each other. "Come on." We both run to the fancier dresses and pick one out that we think she'll love.

"Elea?" I ask, leaning towards the door.

"Yeah?" she calls.

"I think I have one more dress for you to try on."

"Okay!" She opens the door and I hand her the dress. "Isn't this a little fancy for a fair?" She asks.

Grabbing my necklace, I work up the nerve to ask her. "Would you got to prom with Hudson?" Silence fills the room. I look at Olivia and I can tell she's just as nervous as I am. "He's a great guy and I don't want him to miss out on his senior prom just because he doesn't have a date. I think you would be the perfect person for him to go with. Olivia and Jaden will be there with you, so you won't be alone." My rambling falls short as I finish.

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