27 | What are the Odds

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"You." Jared says it slowly, narrowing his eyes at me as he does.

I look behind me. No one's there sadly.

"Me?" I ask pointing my finger at my chest.

He looks at me, annoyance written all over his face.

"Vienna," Hudson says, slapping a hand over his face.

"Wilson?" Amelia, Elea's mom, walks through the backdoor, coming outside to join the rest of us. Her eyes find the broken plate on the ground and her face goes from confused to shocked.

"Jared," I say brightly, joining in.

"Who's Jared?" Jack asks.

"Vienna!" Olivia and Jaden say at the same time with looks daring me to say Jared's name once more.

"I'm so confused," Landon states, looking at all of us.

"What happened?" Amelia asks, still looking at the plate that's shattered on the ground.

"Jared dropped it." I point my finger at Jared. He glares back.

Is that a surprise? No.

"Jared?" Amelia asks me, with a raised eyebrow.

"He's Jared?" Elea looks at me wide eyed, breaking out of whatever trance she was in. She hadn't said anything since Jared walked out here. My bet is she's more shocked than all of us.


The boys are starting to laugh now, finding amusement in the situation. If it weren't for Jared glaring at me, willing me to die, I would join them. But man on man is this guy scary.

Amelia points between Jared and me. "How do you two know each other?"

I look around in the air, avoiding their eyes. "Oh, you know. Just from around."

"Why do you call him Jared?"

Tilting my head, I look at her surprised. "Is that not his name?"

"It's Wilson."

My eyes connect with Jared's. "You should get your name tags fixed. All three of them say Jared."

That's all it takes. Jared moves towards me and I step behind Axel, putting him between us. I hold my hands up in defense now that Axel separates us. "Can't we think about this? How am I supposed to know your name isn't Jared if it's on your name tag? Plus, the first time we met you, your security guard buddy called you Jared," I ramble.

Axel turns his head and looks at me. He tries to get me to shut up, but I can see him holding back a laugh. "Stop talking."

Jared's eyes widen when he looks Axel up and down. You can see the puzzle pieces clicking together in his head as he glances at Jaden and Hudson, finally realizing where he knows the boys from.

"Crap," Axel whispers, standing in front of me.

"It's you four."

"Wilson?" Amelia asks carefully. "What is going on?"

"These are the kids who knocked the mannequins down." Jared doesn't take his eyes off of us.

"Well, technically it was just Vienna." Jaden smirks at me, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Vienna?" Amelia asks again, almost like she can't believe that I would do something like that.

I appreciate her for that.

"Vienna," Axel, Hudson, and Jaden chorus.

I throw my hands up in the air. "Great guys, just great."

Inevitable Moments ☑Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz