05 | Family Introductions

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"Make sure you copy the homework problems before you leave. We'll go over it on Monday," Ms. Mendes says before going back to her desk.

I grab my pencil and do as she says, copying the list of problems we need to complete for homework.

"Do y'all want to go to the beach after school since it's a half day?" Olivia asks, pulling out her phone.

I nod my head, tapping the end of my pencil on my chin. "Yeah, I'll bring my skimboard."

Elea shakes her head as she narrows her brows at me. "Skimboard?"

Smiling, I tilt my head. "You've never heard of skimboarding?" 

Elea shakes her head no.

"It's basically skateboarding, but on water." Olivia touches her phone's screen and then shows a picture to Elea.

Elea's eyes widen as she looks at the picture and then back at me. "That looks hard."

"It is. I've had the bruises to prove it." It was way harder to learn than skateboarding.

"I have pictures of that too. One second." Olivia scrolls through her phone again and pulls up several pictures of my bruised legs from the time I first tried to skimboard.

Elea shudders as she looks at the pictures. "Ouch."

I nod my head, agreeing with her. Once I finish copying the problems, I put the paper in my folder, an idea popping into my head. "Would y'all want to spend the night?" I ask. "We'll probably be out late, so why not just crash at my place after?"

"I'll text my mom now," Olivia says. 

I know Mrs. Torres will say yes because she loves me and we're like family to each other. As for Elea, I'm not sure because I've never met her mom.

"I'll ask my mom too, but she might want to meet you guys," Elea says, as if reading my mind. She looks down at her lap, a pink tint covering her cheeks.

Olivia and I share a look. We've known Elea for almost a month now, but she's still shy and doesn't tell us much.

"I'd be happy to meet her," I say. Maybe meeting Elea's mom would help her open up to us.

"Yeah, me too! We can go after school?" Olivia puts her notebook in her backpack and stands as the bell rings. Elea and I follow suit.

"Really? You guys want to meet her?" Elea asks, almost like she can't quite believe that we want to meet her mom.

"Yes! Text your mom and tell her you'll get a ride from me today. We can all ride to your house together." Olivia pulls her backpack straps over her shoulders.

Elea nods her head enthusiastically, a smile going ear to ear. "Okay!"

"Bye, Ms. Mendes," I say as we pass her desk.

She looks up from the stack of papers sitting on her desk, smiling brightly at us. "Have a good weekend, girls."

"Thanks, you too!" The three of us chorus on our way out.

After saying bye to Olivia and Elea, I head to my locker and grab the books that I'll need for my next class. Farther down the hallway, I spot Hudson and Jaden talking. "Hudson!"

My brother and Jaden turn around to face me. "Yeah?" Hudson asks, an eyebrow raised.

"I won't be riding home with you today."

"Who are you riding with?" he asks, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Olivia and Elea. We're going over to Elea's house after school and then we're going to the beach."

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