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"What about these?" I ask Jaden, holding up a bag of chips.

He looks at the bag in my hands. "Sure." Jaden takes the chips from me and puts it into the shopping basket.

"Aren't we going to get some fruit and vegetables?" We haven't even passed that section of the store yet.

Jaden shakes his head no. "V, we're high school guys. We're not trying to eat healthy."

Frowning, I ask, "what about my carrots though?"

He sighs. "Didn't you have a whole bag like two days ago?"

"Yeah, I ate them all."

Jaden gives me a look, but nods his head for me to go. Smiling, I skip towards the produce section, looking for the carrots. The fruits and vegetables come into view as thunder booms loudly, making everyone in the store pause for a second. A couple of moms pull on their kids' arms, leading them to the checkout lines.

Grabbing my baby carrots, I spin around and head back towards the aisle I left Jaden in. On my way back, a familiar blond head stops me in my tracks.


He must've sensed me looking at him because he turns around, his eyes finding mine. His face goes from startled to uncertainty. His mouth slowly opens, seeming to think about what he's going to say. "Vienna?"

I don't reply. All I do is stare back at him, stuck.

His eyebrows crease together. "Can we please talk?"

"What about?" I ask, keeping my voice steady.

He gulps, straightening his stance. "You know what about."

In the distance Jaden walks out of an aisle, glancing around. He sees me and then looks at Landon, looking back and forth between us several times. The memory of what Jaden told me at the waterpark enters my mind. He told me to hear Landon out.

Landon clears his throat and I direct my attention back to him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine. Where?"

He looks taken aback at my answer. Probably didn't expect me to accept so easily. "Um, I'll text you and we can figure out a time?"

"Sure." I leave it at that and brush past him, making my way toward Jaden.

Jaden watches me closely, not saying anything as I walk up to him. I put the bag of carrots in the basket and motion for him to walk ahead of me. Jaden looks behind me and I turn around to see Landon's eyes still on us.

"Jaden, can we please go?"

Shaking his head out of his thoughts, Jaden begins to walk to the register. "So are you guys going to talk?"

Sighing, I grab my necklace and play with the cross on the chain. "Yes. He said he would text me so we could decide on a time and place."

Jaden nods his head stoically, scanning the items. He pays and we walk outside. Thick and heavy air greets us, causing my hair to stick to the back of my neck by the time we make it to his car.

Unlocking the door, Jaden places the snacks in the backseat. "Looks like it's going to pour pretty soon."

We beat the rain, making it to my house before it starts to come down. My mom holds the door open for us as we bring the snacks in. Hudson and Axel are in the living room with three other guys from the basketball team, playing 2k. Jaden sets the food on the table and goes to join them, rubbing the top of my head on his way.

I huff and pat my hair down as my mom chuckles. "Where's dad?" I ask.

My mom looks out the window, worry taking over her face. "He should be here soon."

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