06 | Beach Day

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Olivia puts her car in park and pulls the key out of the ignition. She flips her visor up and grabs her phone. "Should we get a locker? You can put your camera in there?"

I nod my head. We'd gone to my house before coming to the beach and I grabbed my camera to take pictures later. I sling the camera bag over my shoulder and grab my skimboard from her trunk.

Elea and Olivia get out and we head to the lockers. The tiny building off to the side of the parking lot has bathrooms and changing rooms inside of it, with lockers lining the outside of it.

As we walk over to the lockers, I text my mom to let her know that Olivia and Elea will be spending the night. The three of us put our belonging in the locker and then shut the door.

Olivia lifts her sunglasses, peeking out. "Is that Jaden and Hudson over there?"

I squint, trying to get a better look at the guys playing basketball on the court not far from us. "I think so. Let's go see." I pick up my board and lead the way to the basketball court. Sure enough, Hudson and Jaden are playing against two guys I've never seen before.

Once they finish their game Jaden and Hudson walk over to us, fist bumping each other for having just won their game. Jaden drinks from his gatorade bottle and pulls Olivia in for a sweaty hug. She sticks out her tongue but still hugs him back, a smile on her face.

I sigh dramatically. "You two saw each other like an hour ago." Jaden makes a face at me and I roll my eyes in return. "You guys got here earlier than I expected," I say to my brother.

He pours some water on his head and then rubs it in with his hand. "Yeah, we had nothing else to do. Some of the other guys from the team should be coming soon too." He takes a sip from his water bottle and gulps. "Speaking of which, looks like they're here."

I narrow my eyes, holding a hand up to block the sun as I turn around to see Axel, Landon, and some other guys from Strayer's and Central's team. All shirtless, of course. "Looks like some Central players showed up too," I say to Hudson.

My brother shrugs his shoulders and begins walking towards the guys. He does a handshake with Axel and they start making their way over to the court, talking about something. 

When did Axel and my brother start hanging out outside basketball? I know they're on the same team, but they've never really been hangout type of friends.

I stick the bottom of my board into the sand and lean on it, giving me something to do as I continue watching them. Axel completely ignores my presence and Landon winks as he walks by. Two completely different people, yet both are still teenage boys.

I will never understand them.

Olivia lets go of Jaden and pushes him towards the court. "Go play. We're going to swim."

Elea, Olivia, and I walk towards the water. The three of us stick our feet in as a wave comes towards us. Olivia and Elea let out squeals as the water splashes up their legs.

I laugh, enjoying the temperature of the water. "It's not even that cold!"

"Says the one who lives in the water." Olivia backs out of the ocean and grabs her towel, spreading it out on the sand. "I'm going to tan for now."

I shake my head and watch as Elea walks towards Olivia. "Sorry! It's too cold for me too." Elea spreads her towel out and lays down next to Olivia.


I look out to the ocean and breath in the salty air, feeling refreshed being out here. Being at the beach is probably my favorite place to be at. There's nothing like it. 

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