02 | Oh No

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A/N: This chapter is originally from the first chapter, but felt it made the first chapter too long. Also added an extra Axel/Vienna scene as well. :)

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"So, you're new here?" Jaden asks Elea.

"Yup. It's my first day here." Elea replies quietly, as shy as ever.

Jaden smiles at her and then looks at Olivia. "Just wanted to say hi to my two favorite girls."

I roll my eyes at him, knowing he's talking about Olivia and me. He became best friends with my brother, Hudson, when they were in sixth grade, resulting in Jaden spending a lot of time at my house. Over the years he's become like a second older brother to me. "You haven't even acknowledged my existence."

Jaden finally faces me, smirking. "Hi V." He turns back to Olivia, looking at her adoringly.

I cringe.

Olivia and Jaden have one of those relationships that everyone wants. Especially the girls at our school. It's no secret that Jaden is a very good looking guy with his light brown skin, athletic, and overall just a great guy. When he and Olivia first got together, girls went crazy over him.

I guess that saying when a guy is taken, he somehow becomes more attractive rings true.

But Olivia's never had to worry about it because she trusts him more than anything. Plus, he always makes it clear he only has eyes for one girl. You can see it just by the way he looks at her. And she's never looked at another boy the same way she does with Jaden. In my professional opinion, they're soulmates.

They may be young, but you can tell true love exists by watching them.

Elea giggles, watching the interaction. "This is normal," I say to her while holding up another carrot in my hand, ready to bite down on it.

Jaden reaches across the table and shoves my head backwards.

I throw my hands up in protest. "What did I do to you?"

"I'm trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend, but you won't stop talking."

"You two wouldn't even be together if it weren't for me," I shoot back.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

I tilt my head, getting cocky. "You know it's true." They ignore me and continue on with their conversation that includes Elea.

Huffing, I let my eyes drift across the cafeteria, looking for my brother. I stop when I spot the boy I bumped into this morning. Axel. His face remains emotionless, almost bored looking, as his friends around him laugh about something.

I wonder if he actually enjoys being with his friends.

Since the first time I saw him, he's always worn that same expression. I don't know if it's RBF or he just doesn't care enough to show emotion, but I've never seen him smile. From what I can tell he just keeps to himself and doesn't say much while also hanging out with the 'it' crowd.

He's a mystery.

And it drives girls crazy. 

But I'll admit it, he's definitely easy on the eyes. He's tall, muscular, and has gorgeous pale blue eyes. He even has the young teenager Leonardo DiCaprio hairstyle that's always styled in a messy fringe with the sides cut short.

Oh, and can't forget the wispy bangs. It completes the look and he definitely pulls it off.

I shake my head.

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