04 | My Bad

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The sound of my phone causes me to move around in my bed. I hear knocking on the front door and cover my head with my pillow. Maybe they'll go away. The knocking continues and I groan, pushing myself out of my bed. Why is someone knocking on my door. It's Friday morning during spring break.

Grabbing my phone, I look at the text message my dad sent to the family group message.

Dad: Your mom and I went to grab breakfast. Don't sleep all day.

Thanks for the invite dad.

Jogging down the stairs, I open the door to see Jaden standing there.

"Where's Hudson?"

A yawn escapes my mouth as I rub my eyes. "He's not here?"

Jaden shakes his head and looks at the street. "No, your car is gone."

I open the door wider and peek outside. Sure enough, the car Hudson and I share is missing from its normal parking spot. I shrug. "He didn't tell me he was leaving. You can wait inside if you want."

Leaving the door open, Jaden walks inside behind me and shuts it. I walk to the living room and Jaden follows. Squatting down, I glance at the different games I can choose from so Jaden and I have something to do while we wait for Hudson. I select one and put it into the Wii.

"You look like you just rolled out of bed," Jaden comments on my appearance.

I look down at my oversized crew neck covering my shorts, and white Nike basketball socks. "I did. Want to play with me?" I ask, holding up the Wii remotes as another yawn escapes me.

Jaden nods and takes a controller from me. "What are we playing?"

"Just Dance."

* * *

"My heart stops, when you look at me. Just one touch. Now, baby, I believe. This is real!" Jaden and I sing along to the lyrics as we dance to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. We continue singing and dancing, throwing our hands in the air.

"What is going on?" My brother yells over the music.

"We're dancing! What does it look like?" I ask without looking at him, keeping my eyes on the dance pattern displayed on the TV screen.

"Looks like you're a baby seal trying to fly."

The song ends and I pause the game, setting the controller on the coffee table. Jaden and I look at Hudson who looks slightly confused.

"Dude, where were you?" Jaden asks, not at all embarrassed from being caught playing Just Dance. Happens more than you think.

Hudson rolls his eyes, holding a bag of doughnuts up.

"Oh, gimme." I reach my hands out, but he pulls the bag away from me as my fingers brush it. "Hey-"

Just then I notice Axel. The Axel Sanders.

In my house, standing in my living room. No doubt witnessing my Just Dance moves.

Oh boy, Lord take me now.

"What's he doing here?" I blurt out, pointing a finger at him.

Axel leans against the wall and crosses his arms, wearing a smug expression.

My brother looks at me annoyed. "I ran into him at the doughnut shop so I thought I'd invite him to go to the mall with Jaden and me."

"Why are y'all going to the mall? I ask, raising an eyebrow. My brother despises shopping.

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