14 | Day of the Accident

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Two years ago.

"Is she always that clingy?" Olivia asks, standing next to me.

I nod my head. We're watching Brooke latch onto my brother's arm as him and Jaden talk to several of the guys on the basketball team. We were on our way to the rollercoasters when Brooke insisted that they talk to the team.

Finally, Hudson, Jaden, and Brooke make their way back towards us. Brooke's giggling like a madwoman and keeps looking behind her. Jaden rolls his eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets, looking pointedly at Hudson.

Sighing, Hudson shakes Brooke's arm off of him. "We're going to go ride the rollercoasters."

Brooke looks at my brother with her fake puppy dog eyes, defeat showing on her face. "Okay, I'll see you later then." She skips away before Hudson can respond, her dyed blonde hair flowing behind her.

"That was easier than I thought," Jaden says, voicing what we're all thinking.

"Let's go." Hudson huffs and leads the way towards the rides.

Hudson and Jaden are several feet in front of us as Olivia and I follow behind.

My hands start to get clammier as we get closer to the rides.

Olivia, my best friend, bumps into my shoulder because of her giddiness. "He's so cute!"

Smiling, I shake my head at her. She's been crushing on Jaden since she laid eyes on him. I'm pretty sure that Jaden feels the same about her, but neither of them have made any moves besides quick glances here and there. They wouldn't have even spoken to each other if it weren't for me pushing Olivia off of the swing.

The rollercoaster roars in my ears as we walk along the fence leading to the line. The screaming that follows gives me goosebumps. I don't know if I can do this. Hudson, Jaden, and Olivia are all grinning as the line inches forward.

My pulse starts to pick up as the rollercoaster whirls past again, making my hair fly up. I push the loose strands out of my face and focus my eyes on my brand new, pink Vans. Breath, I say to myself.

A gentle squeeze on my forearm causes me to look up. Olivia's blue eyes are filled with worry. "You okay, Vienna?"

I gulp as my palms start to sweat some more. "I don't think I can do this," I blurt out.

Hudson and Jaden look our way and I can see disappointment in their faces. I always bail. I don't want to leave, but trying new and terrifying things petrify me.

"Vienna, come on. Just this once," Hudson pleads, staring at me intently. "I think you would like it."

"Come on, V. Live a little," Jaden adds, bumping his elbow into mine. "It's time you start taking chances."

I shake my head no, refusing to ride the rollercoaster. Olivia frowns as I back up. "Maybe another time," I reply hastily. With that, I spin on my heel and make my way back towards the end of the line. As I pass people, I'm given looks of ridicule and pity.

Just the looks I was wanting.

The entrance for the line comes into view and I breathe a sigh of relief once I'm out. I wish I had the courage to try new things, but the fear of what could happen scares me.

A vacant picnic table is off to the side of the exit for the ride so I decide to go sit at that table while I wait for my brother and friends. The chipped wood of the bench makes it an uncomfortable spot to sit on. I fidget, trying to find some comfortable way to sit.

"You okay?" a voice asks.

I turn my head to see who it belongs to. A boy about my age stands there. His blonde hair makes his tan skin look even darker. He's really cute, I think to myself.

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