20 | Uh Oh

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"My brain hurts," I say, slamming my head on the review packet. Axel and I had worked on it all class and now for the last two hours we were at his house.

He flips through the packet. "We're a little over halfway through if you want to stop for today? We still have two days before we have to turn it in."

Keeping my head on the table, I nod my answer. "Why did Mrs. Wools have to make it so long?"

Axel laughs. "Would it be Mrs. Wools if she didn't?"

Smirking, I lift my head up. "You have a point." Grabbing my papers, I shuffle them together and put them into my backpack, along with my pen and highlighters.

Axel stands as well. "Do you need a ride home?"

Oh, I didn't even think about that. "Let me text Hudson and I'll let you know." I send Hudson a quick text message.

"While we wait, you want to grab a popsicle?" Axel asks me.

He leads me to the garage and it beeps when he opens the door. The warm air hits us and we both groan, laughing. His garage is big, part of it being a gym with a barbell and rack to back squat off of. I spot a couple of basketballs and the thing that catches my eye is the skateboard.

Axel walks over to the old fridge and opens the top compartment, revealing popsicles. My eyes focus back on the skateboard.

"Vienna." Axel nudges me and then places the cold popsicle on my forehead.

Jumping, I shove his arm away. "What?"

"Here," he says, handing me the popsicle.

I take it and walk towards the board. "Do you skate?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no. "I used to when I was younger."

"Can I look at it?"

"Go for it."

Smiling, I pick up the board and admire the design on it. I test the wheels and spin them with my finger. Probably needs some new bearings.

Axel picks up a basketball and hits a button located by the door. The garage door opens, letting in the bright light. He walks outside and I follow him, seeing the basketball goal mounted above the garage.

"That's cool," I say, pointing to the rim.

Axel smiles and shoots the ball, swishing it through the net. I grab the ball and pass it back to him. He shoots and makes it again.

"Do you ever miss?" I ask.

He raises the ball, ready to shoot. "Nah." Once again, it goes in.

Before he can grab it, I get the rebound and shoot the ball. The basketball hits the rim, but eventually rolls in. To celebrate, I throw my hands into the air. "I still got it!"

Axel shakes his head, the longer brown strands of his hair falling on his forehead. "I didn't know you could play."

Shrugging, I say, "I don't. But growing up with Hudson and Jaden, I had no choice but to learn."

Axel hums in response. "Let's play a game."

My eyes go big. "Axel, it's not going to be a fair game at all."

He smirks and crosses his arms, challenging me. "How?"

"First, you're taller. Second, you're a boy. Third, you play basketball daily. Fourth, you're a shooter," I finish, listing the reasons using my fingers. "Need I say more?"

Grabbing the ball with one hand, Axel picks it up and walks towards me. He puts the ball up to my stomach and I take it from him.

He lets go and leans towards me. "May the best player win, Conley."

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