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"You ready?"

I clasp my necklace with my hand and nod my head. Axel grabs my other hand and squeezes it, letting me know whatever happens, everything will be okay.

"I'll be right here if you need anything."

Smiling my thanks to him, I get out of the car and walk to the front door of Brooke's house. The doorbell rings as I wait patiently for her, hearing shuffling on the other side of the door.

She opens the door and stands there makeup free wearing loose clothes. Her eyes widen when she sees me standing in front of her. She would die of shock if anyone else from school saw her looking like this. "Vienna?" Slowly, she pokes her head out the door and looks at Axel's BMW, knowing that it's not the car Hudson and I share. "What do you want?" she asks suspiciously.

"I want to talk," I state plainly.

She huffs. "What about?"


Brooke rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "Vienna, that was like two years ago. It's time you move on."

She tries to shut the door, but I stop it and hold it open with my hand. "Brooke, please hear me out."

Her face morphs into disgust. "Like you heard me out that night?"

I take a step back, gulping. She's right. I didn't hear her out the night we caught her kissing another guy. Hudson even admitted he was over her before she even cheated. Maybe there's more to their relationship that I don't know about. "I want to know now though."

She eyes me, not quite believing my intentions. "Why does it even matter now?"

"I found out some things yesterday and I think you should know."

After a few seconds of staring at me, she opens the door wider, allowing me to come in. I enter the tiny house and can't help noticing the bare walls. She lives with just her mom, but their home has barely any decorations and no pictures of the two of them anywhere. "Where's your mom?" I ask.

Brooke sighs. "Probably out with some rando. She never came home last night," she mutters darkly.

She doesn't see, but I flinch. I've always had a good home life. Both of my parents are always there for me, even Hudson is.

For Brooke, sadly this was normal. Her mom was always gone. Usually out with a random dude she met at a bar.

I follow Brooke to their living room and sit at the opposite end of the two seater couch. She tucks her feet under her legs and looks at me expectantly. "So, what do you want?"

"I want to apologize."

Her jaw drops. "For what?"

"For how I treated you. For how Hudson treated you. Especially after the accident," I add. Brooke's face softens and she looks away from me. "I didn't even know this until yesterday, but I found out that Hudson blamed you for the accident. It's not your fault and he never should've put that blame on you."

Her eyes meet mine and I can see the different emotions in them, keeping cool on the outside, but ranging on the inside. I don't know why I didn't see it until now, but she's been doing that since I met her, keeping everything bottled up to seem perfect on the surface. "You're right. He shouldn't have. Why are you here telling me this? Shouldn't he be talking to me?"

"I'm hoping he will," I reply. "I also want to apologize for how I treated you."

She looks at me, questioningly. "Vienna, you don't owe me an apology. Yes we didn't get along, we still don't, but you never blamed me for the accident."

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