17 | Shell Yeah

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The entrance to the mall stares back at me as I wait for my friends to get out of the car.

Oh mall, it's been awhile. I hope you know how much I've missed you.

I haven't been back since the day Jared chased after me and the boys, but Olivia insisted that we come here. She said we needed to come to the mall since the best swimsuit shop is located inside. She's not wrong. It is the best swimsuit shop in Bayside, but I would be fine wearing one of my old ones.

Jared's a scary man when he's running right at you.

"Come on, V," Olivia says while pulling on my arm, giving me a knowing look.

Elea, who's standing next to her, giggles. If only they knew who this man was.

"Look, he's probably not working." She cuts me off before I can say anything. "And if he is, it's unlikely that he will see us."

My mouth drops open. "The mall's not even that big," I protest.

Olivia rolls her eyes at me. "We need to hurry so we can get our swimsuits. We want to beat everyone to Shelly's Waterpark."

She's right again. Today will be a busy day at the waterpark even though it's Sunday. It opened yesterday and none of the students have school tomorrow since it's an inservice day to help the teachers get ready for finals.

I follow Elea and Olivia into the mall, letting them lead the way. My eyes roam the different stores as we pass them, hoping I don't see my favorite, scary security guard.

We make it to the swimsuit shop and I poke my head in first, glancing around. Olivia huffs loudly and walks in with Elea right behind her.

"What?" I ask, shrugging my shoulders. "Gotta make sure."

The sounds of hangers scraping metal racks fill the shop as we look through the endless supply of swimsuits along with several other girls around us. It may be a smaller shop, but there were plenty of suits to look at.

I'm barely paying attention when something collides into my lower half, causing me to bend over in pain. I grunt as my leg starts to throb, looking down I see it's the little boy from the photography booth. The one that had asked me to ask his dad to take the picture. His brown eyes widen in surprise as he looks up at me.

"Jonah!" a tiny voice yells behind him. Suddenly another little blond haired boy runs up, who just happens to look exactly like the little boy standing in front of me. They're twins I realize.

I look between them, scratching my head. "There's two of you?" I ask Jonah.

He ignores my question and continues staring at me wide eyed. "You're the girl who got my dad to take a picture!" he yells, pointing his little index finger up at me.

Olivia and Elea are laughing as they watch the scene unfold. I glare at them as the twins in front of me start to argue.

"Mom is going to be mad!" The not Jonah twin yells.

"So!" Jonah yells back. Abruptly, he grabs my leg and latches himself on. "I'm not going anywhere!"

I freeze, not knowing what to do with twin brothers yelling at each other and one death gripping my leg. Meanwhile, Olivia has pulled out her phone to record the whole thing. Her and Elea hold their stomachs as they laugh at me.

"Guys! This isn't funny!" I whine. I don't know what to do with little kids.

Before they can respond, a petite girl that looks about my age runs into the store. "Keith! Jonah!" she calls, frantically looking around. Her dirty blonde hair and brown eyes is a dead giveaway, she has to be their older sister.

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