08 | Embarrassment Galore

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"No, just go. I'll be fine, I promise." The four of them stare back at me. I click my tongue in annoyance. "I refuse to be a freaking third wheel."

Olivia, Jaden, Hudson, and Elea all look at me. Pity is written on all four of their faces. Pity my-

"We'll be back in fifteen minutes," Olivia says, interrupting my thought.

"Cool, I'll be somewhere," I respond.

I watch as Olivia and Jaden get in line with Elea and Hudson behind them. They wait for their turn to get on the ferris wheel.

Once the ride starts going, that's when I get up from my seat and start exploring the fair. It comes every summer, but whoever owns it knows how to make it seem new and exciting every time.

Something about the encounter with Jack seemed off. He'd left a couple of minutes before they'd decided to ride the ferris wheel. It bothered me that I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

I grab an ice cream cone from a stand and start exploring again. I spin around while walking, admiring the bright lights that illuminate the fair. Sadly, my admiration falls short when my ice cream cone hits a familiar muscular chest.

Oh no.

Mustering up the best smile I can, I look up. "Hi, Jared."

He stares back at me, anger in his eyes.

"So, sorry about the," I motion my hand over his chest, "ice cream spill."

He grabs my arm and starts pulling me after him.

"Can you do this? I mean I haven't done anything at the fair?"

Breathing in and out, he looks at me. "Disturbing the peace."

"By spilling ice cream on your shirt?"

He nods his head.

I tap my chin. "Seems a bit unfair in my opinion. It was an accident. Don't you think you should give me a head start?"

"For what?"

My feet move, but my body falls limp in Jared's arms. I wish I was stronger. "This isn't fair," I whine, but then I start laughing. "Cause we're at the fair?" He glares at me, not laughing at my pun. "I'm in a freaking dress," I say, trying to get out of the situation.

"Not my fault," he mutters.

After a moment of silence, I look at him. "So, you're a security guard for the fair too?"

He grunts. "Why?"

"Oh, it's just interesting."

"Why is it inter-"

He's interrupted when a group of middle school looking boys run through the crowd. They're screaming and yelling at each other.

"Seems like they're disturbing the peace." I smile sweetly at him.

Jared glares at me. "This isn't over." He releases me and takes off after the boys, with the ice cream stain still on his shirt.

My body relaxes as I watch Jared chase after them. That man is scary.

I observe my surroundings to see which part of the fair I'm in. That's when I realize I'm by the photography booth again. Several yards away, I spot Axel, Landon, Seth, and some other guys. Axel and Landon do a bro handshake, I think, and the other guys start hooting and laughing.

My eyes drift back to Axel and he's staring back at me. His eyes drift behind me and reconnect with mine briefly. He shakes his head and focuses back on whatever the other guys around him are saying.

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