09 | Mad Panda

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"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I ask Elea. She looks back at me terrified.

"It'll grow out if I hate it, right?" She stares at herself in my bathroom mirror.

"Just let her do it! I promise, V will do a good job." Olivia smiles, looking at both of us.

I stare at her with a dumbstruck look on my face. "You're not the one we're doing this to!"

Elea and Olivia spent the night last night after prom. When I woke this morning, Elea asked to put my hair into two French braids. While she was braiding my hair, Olivia came across some videos of girls cutting their own bangs. She looked up some pictures of celebrities with fringe bangs, and boom, here we are. Sadly, Elea happens to be the victim.

Elea's dimples deepen as she starts to become doubtful. "Are you sure?" she asks, quietly.

Nodding her head, Olivia takes the scissors from my hands. "You want me to cut a chunk off so V has to do it?"


"Yes." Elea says at the same time. She covers her face with both her hands. "Just do it."

Olivia cuts it off before Elea can even finish her sentence. My eyes widen as I look at the uneven cut.

"Maybe you should turn around?" I ask Elea. She does and Olivia hands me the scissors, smirking.

I get to work and try my best not to butcher Elea's bangs. Bit by bit, I cut her hair shorter and shorter. I leave the sides a little longer and cut into the hair as I work my way to the center, doing my best to give her a fringe look.

I bite my lower lip and take a step back. It doesn't look too bad, I don't think. I look at Olivia and she's smiling.

"You did good!" she mouths, holding two thumbs up.

Letting out a silent breath I'd been holding, I say, "okay, I'm done."

Elea gets up from sitting and walks to the mirror. She leans over the sink, inspecting the bangs. I keep one eye closed as I watch her, hoping she doesn't hate it. She turns around and a grin spreads across her face. "I love it!"

"You do?" I ask.

"Yes!" Elea and Olivia say at the same time.

Relieved, I slump onto the toilet seat cover.

It doesn't last long.

"VIENNA!" My brother yells from his bathroom.

Uh oh.

Jumping up, I open the bathroom door and sprint to the staircase. Just as I reach the top of it, my brother walks out of his bathroom fuming.

His face is beat red. "What did you do?" he yells.

I cover my mouth to muffle my giggles. "Payback for not taking me to school."

"That was like a month ago!" he continues yelling, throwing his hands up.

Shrugging, I say, "there's no time limit on payback."

He moves towards me and I sprint down the stairs. Sadly, my sock, stairs, and sprinting don't mix well. I end up on my back at the bottom of the staircase, getting the wind knocked out of me. "Ouch."

From my position on the floor, I watch as an upside down Olivia and Elea walk out of my bathroom. Both of them slap their hands over their mouths.

Olivia can't take it anymore and starts laughing hysterically. She slowly walks down the stairs and falls on top of me, her back on top of my stomach.

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