Chapter 40

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"Mother, wait!"

I was chasing her down, because I knew that she knew more. She moved quickly and swiftly through the halls of this wing, with the fluency of a ballerina. Light on her feet, and very quick. There was no way she wanted to be confronted. Well, too bad.

"Mother, please."

She turned, her eyes searching mine. Without speaking, I knew. I just knew that she was in pain not being able to tell me more. I would ask anyway. She pulled me into the nearest room, glancing the halls from the doorway, and quietly closing it. She spoke in a whisper.

"You know that I cannot tell you more my child, even though I want to."

I sat in the corner of the room, Luckily we were pulled into a sitting room. It was comfortable and quiet. I had my thoughts together, and needed more from her. She had to guide me in the correct direction. She just had to.

"Mother, there are things that have started happening to me, since I have been involved with Jo- Angelina. I can't believe that wasn't even her name. I feel like we all know nothing about her, yet there are many who know about her whole life, and why she is here. Not even she knows, mother how fair is that?"

"Not fair at all my son. I know that none of this makes sense, and I promise you as well as I promise Angelina, things will start coming together. She will learn everything about herself, as you will learn everything about yourself as well. We all have purpose. You and your brother have purpose, everyone does. When you were born we received our first real visit from the entire council. The elders were so happy that you were born. They said that another would be coming, that we could not have ylng without yang. You both have more inside of you, that needs to come out. It was not until you were finally with your bonded mate, that all of you would come together. You are growing into your true self, as well as Angelina. I cannot say anymore, I can be punished severely. I promise this will all come together. You must embrace yourself, and listen to your inner thoughts. Follow your heart, always."

I soaked all of my mothers words, as she strode over to where I was sitting. She embraced me, and I was taken back to a memory from when I was younger. My brother was born, and everyone was happy, except for my mother. She knew that he would bring terror into this life, yet there was nothing she could do. In that moment of breathing in my mothers scent, I could smell her tears. Just as I did when we were children. My mother always cried for what was to come. She knew, the whole time. How sad was that? My heart bled for my mother.

"I am so sorry mother, I didn't know that you were carrying all of this on your shoulders."

"As any mother would for her children. That is the life of a mother. She carries the weight of the family, while everyone continues to live. The guilt, shame, sorrow, all of it. I would do it all again for you both. I know that your brothers path is much much different than yours. We all have evil inside of us. For some, it empowers. For others, it ruins them. Don't let it ruin you, allow it to empower you. I have faith in you, and I love you. Please know that this is all that I can say."

I hugged my mother tightly, I knew that she was sincere and trying to do her best.

"Please do not carry this any longer, be free and happy mother."

She did not answer, just smiled. Her eyes, so beautiful. She always told me that the eyes were the windows to the soul. So wise, at all times. I watched her flow to the door, and leave. My heart was hurting for her, and I wished for her to find some peace. I left the room heading towards Billy's room. I needed to rest even though my mind was racing. 

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