chapter 1

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I packed the last of my autumn and winter wardrobe into my suitcase and zipped it up. Using the little strength I have, I hauled the bag off my bed and rolled it towards the door, ready for Eric to pack into the car.

I surveyed the rest of the room, assessing the space to see if there was anything I'd missed. Packing for boarding school was always a drag and I usually ended up forgetting at least one crucial item.

I was relieved that it was the last year I would have to do it, after this I would graduate college and could attend university or go straight into working.

There was a soft knock at my door and I called for the person to come in as I made my way over to my desk. I began trying to compile the books into an orderly pile and glanced over my shoulder to see who had entered.

Our head maid Rose was standing politely in the doorway. She was a very gentle woman and had been with our family for almost 10 years. In a lot of ways, she was like a second mother to me, since mine was away on business trips so often.

She smiled at me, causing a pretty rosy bloom to creep into her cheeks and I returned the gesture.

"Do you need any help honey?"

"No I think I'm pretty much done here. I'll pack the last bits tomorrow morning."

She nodded and drifted further into the room, gazing around it with a familiar forlorn look that I knew all too well.

"Don't go getting sad on me now Rose, I'll be back at Christmas." I teased, every year I returned to school she acted as if I would never come back, insisting that the house would be too empty without me.

"Oh hush, you know how I get all too well." She smiled at me sadly and I could see the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

I gave up on organising the desks and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her petite frame.

"You won't even notice I'm gone, Artie will keep you busy enough."

She sighed against me and I released her as she wiped the few tears that had fallen.

"I suppose so." She glanced towards the luggage next to the door, "I'll go get Eric and have him load the car."

"Thank you, tell him not to worry about the backpack, I'll bring it down in the morning. How long until dinner is ready by the way?"

"It'll be about 10 minutes, but your father has asked to see you in his office first."

I nodded and she shot me a brief smile before exiting the room, leaving the door ajar.

I returned to the desk and stacked up the last of my books before leaving my bedroom, making my way to the ground floor.

My father's office was at the very end of the right wing of the house, and as I neared the large ebony door I could hear familiar voices drifting from behind it.

I knocked loudly and heard him telling me to come in. I turned the doorknob and pushed it open to find two men inside.

My father's slender figure was sat behind the desk, his immaculate appearance completing the perfect image of his manly office. On the other side was one of my dad's best friends, Isaac Bloom.

They had known each other for 20 years, before my father became the wealthy man he was today. I smiled towards the familiar guest in greeting.

"Vesper! Come in come in." My father addressed me and I took the free seat, facing him expectantly.

"Rose said you wanted to talk to me, what's up?"

"Well..." he glanced at Isaac and I narrowed my eyes at them in suspicion, "I thought it might be a good idea to discuss your final year at school."

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