chapter 3

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I groaned and stirred in my bed, turning onto my other side, but the annoying persistent noise continued.

I pulled the pillow I was laying on out from under my cheek, and buried my head under it, trying to block out the ugly sound.



"Ughhh shut up!" I groaned again, unhappy that my precious sleep was being disturbed.

"Not much of a morning person are you?" A deep voice resonated throughout my room and I froze in place, realising the source was closer than I thought.

I sat up abruptly and blinked the sleep from my eyes. The morning light was peeking through the blinds and I scanned the room for the noise culprit.

My eyes widened in shock as I took in the sight of my unwelcome bodyguard standing at the top of a ladder in the corner of my room.

I jumped up from the bed, nearly falling over as my bundle of clothes from yesterday wrapped around my ankles. I regained my balance and turned to face the intruder.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I waved my hands in the air, as if calling an SOS. Part of me wished a helicopter would break in through the roof and take this nightmare of a person away.

"Don't worry I'm nearly done." He spoke nonchalantly but didn't turn to face me. I watched in disbelief as he finished fixing a small security camera to the wall.

He admired his handiwork and began to descend the ladder. I marched up behind him as he reached the bottom, pushing him away roughly as I climbed the ladder myself. Once I reached the camera I used all my strength to grip it, attempting to tear it from the wall but it didn't budge. I inspected the ugly contraption and realised he'd practically bolted the bloody thing down.

I heard a chuckle from behind me and turned to look at him. He, of course, was just smirking at me without a care in the world.

I glared down at him, "take this down right now."


"What do you mean no? It's my room and I'm not about to have you perving over me through some camera." I huffed but my attitude seemed to amuse him further.

"Look, I need something to record what happens just incase something bad happens during the night. I'll make sure only the security room has access to the feed, plenty of the other students have one. You won't even notice it."

I stomped my way back down the ladder and did my best to square up to him despite the inches of height he had on me.

"Just like I was supposedly not meant to notice you? Well listen here you asshole, what I have noticed is you breaking into my room at god knows what time in the morning and waking me up with this stupid DIY project. I thought we agreed you'd stay out of my way."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned over me slightly, "incase you forgot, I'm your bodyguard which means I have to keep a key to your room for security reasons. I'm only going to stay out of your way within reason princess, I have to keep you safe remember?"

"I don't need you to keep me safe!" I realised I was yelling and probably disturbing other students but I was too angry to care. "Now take this contraption down!"

He paused and his eyes flickered to the camera before resting back on my face. He seemed to make a snap judgement in his mind before speaking, "I mean I can take it down, but you'll have to agree to plan B."

"Oh please do tell, what's plan B? It can't be any worse than this." I rolled my eyes, tired of his infuriating presence.

His face twisted into a dark smirk at my contempt and I tried to refrain from admiring the dangerously handsome expression.

"I move into your room."

I paused for a moment and then began laughing, he was the stand up comedian now.

"Don't be ridiculous, there's not another bed in here and even if there wasn't I would never agree to you as a roommate."

"You have a double bed don't you? I promise not to hog the duvet if you promise not to snore."

I curled my hands into fists and tried to breathe calmly. In the last 24 hours Kingsley had been more of a pain in the butt than I could have anticipated. Part of me wanted to slap the smug expression right off his face but I stopped myself and closed my eyes, drawing in deep breaths as I gripped the bridge of my nose.

"You're driving me insane and it hasn't even been a week yet. Is this some sort of sick game to you? Is that it? You get off on being terrible."

He frowned down at me, "I'm trying to protect you actually. So what's it going to be? Me or the camera? Or I can always call your father and explain to him that you refuse to cooperate, I'm sure he'd have lots to say then."

I sighed, feeling defeated from the tense interaction. I had never been good at winning arguments and it seemed that Kingsley was just as stubborn as my dad when it came to getting his own way.

"Fine... the camera stays." I spoke sullenly.

He smirked at me again, clearly revelling in his victory, "I knew you'd warm up to it. Now we have 1 hour until your welcome back assembly, I'll be waiting outside the door for you."

He picked up the tools and ladder and marched from the room, smiling to himself as he left. As soon as the door shut I grabbed a cushion from the bed and launched it with full force, but it hit the wood with a dull and disappointing thud.

I huffed at my own lack of strength and padded back over to the bed, flopping onto the mattress.

I stared up at the ceiling, speaking quietly to myself, "God if you exist, give me the patience and strength to deal with this devil."

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