chapter 7

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I stepped out of the building into the dewy morning air. The fog was suspended around me and I could hear the distant movement of forest creatures.

No one was awake yet, it was 6am after all, but I'd woken up abruptly and fancied a walk.

The hours when everyone else was asleep were my favourite time of the day. Something about being the only one around brought a certain sense of comfort to me, especially since recently I rarely ever was alone. Even in London I would never be allowed to wander the streets at this time without protection, and the isolation of the Academy was something I eagerly took advantage of.

I walked towards the deep woodland to the right of the building. It was a spot I frequently visited and my favourite place in the grounds. It was very large and I had never managed to walk out to the other side, but I guessed that the road was probably the outcome.

As I reached the border of the forest, the luscious green trees swallowed me up and helped block out the reality of the world.

I walked for a few minutes before settling down on a moss-covered log. I breathed deeply, relishing the crisp air as it rattled through my lungs. I'd always been an outdoors kind of person and autumn was my favourite season of them all. The leaves were just beginning to turn into rich shades of red, orange and yellow; I made a mental note to bring my sketchbook next time.

I sighed to myself as I absorbed my surroundings. I barely had time to think over the weekend, between the trip and the essay I had to write for psychology class.

Naila and I had spent most of our time on Sunday in the library, much to the boredom of our bodyguards. They'd played countless rounds of chess but we could tell they were hoping we'd finish our studying soon.

After my small interaction with Kingsley on Saturday, we had gone back to not talking and I was relieved. It was definitely easier this way, every time we interacted we only seemed to argue. The tension between us was always present, like a thick smoke in the air.

I turned my attention back to the forest and listened to the different kinds of birds chirping for a while. My mind drifted to my family, already missing them terribly despite only a week having passed.

When I felt that a significant amount of time had passed, I stood up and slowly made my way back to the building, trying not to trip over the barbed vegetation near my feet.

When I entered the doors I shivered slightly from the change in temperature. It was eerily quiet and I wondered how long I had until people would begin to wake up, preparing for the day ahead.

My room wasn't far away from the entrance and I was grateful it was on the ground floor. I'd heard the younger year on the floor above would run between each other's rooms at night, making it difficult to sleep. Jess in particular had formed a grudge against them, she considered her sleep time highly sacred.

When I reached my door I just walked in, having left it unlocked. I figured no one was around to break into my room at this time.

Apparently I was mistaken.

Kingsley was sat on my bed, fully dressed as if he'd been awake all night. I frowned at the sight of his intrusion and closed the door behind me.

"What are you doing in my room?" I made my way over to him and placed my hands on my hips, trying to look authoritative.

"I think the question we should be asking is where the hell were you at 6am in the morning without me?" He glared at me and I knew where the conversation was heading. I was already tired from an interaction that hadn't even begun.

"I went for a walk. Is that not allowed? How did you even know I'd gone anywhere?"

"I have a motion alarm set up for when your door opens and closes."

I refrained from rolling my eyes and glanced at the clock, I had just over an hour until classes started. I turned away from his presence, proceeding to pick out a freshly pressed uniform from my wardrobe.

He seemed to be waiting for me to speak but when I didn't bite he continued, "and it isn't allowed without protection, anything could've happened to you out there. Psychopaths are everywhere Vesper."

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell you if I see any." I spoke calmly, trying to ignore his frustrated tone.

I heard the bed creak and his footsteps padding over to me. I winced slightly as I felt his presence behind me. His strong chest pressed into my back as he leaned down to my ear.

"Do you think your safety is a game to me?" His voice was dangerously low and had an almost husky quality to it. His cool breath tickled my neck but I refrained from shivering, not wanting him to know his affect upon me.

I didn't turn around as I rifled through my drawers for tights, pretending to be highly focused on the task at hand.

"No, but I think you underestimate me. I can defend myself."

The words hung in the air and for a second I thought I might have gotten through to him. But he spoke again and my optimism vanished.

"Prove it."

I didn't get a chance to reply before he hoisted me over his shoulder with ease. I began beating on his back, telling him to let me go but he remained unaffected as he threw me down onto my bed.

I grunted from the impact and he placed his knee between my legs, leaning over me until our noses were almost touching. I moved to shove him away but he gripped my wrists in his hands and pushed them forcefully into the mattress.

"Get off me." I had to prevent myself from literally spitting the words at him. Our close proximity sent heat running across my skin but I ignored the sensation as I squirmed under him.

"Make me." There was a dark flicker in his eyes as he taunted me and I felt rage run through my limbs, attempting to attack his smug face, but it was useless. His sheer strength overpowered my slim frame and without my hands to claw him, I was stuck.

He chucked darkly at my failure before leaning down to my ear again, "I didn't think so."

His breath tickled my skin again and I was torn between the pleasure and mockery it provided me with.

He released his grip on my hands and stood up, running a hand through his hair whilst I glared up at him.

"I'll be outside the room at 8:30. Don't go wandering anywhere else." And with that he turned on his heel and left the room.

I stared up the ceiling and let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

How could one person be so frustrating and intoxicating at the same time?

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