chapter 32

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I glanced back towards my group of friends as I continued strolling along the beach, my feet making impressions in the sand.

It was Saturday and we'd decided to visit the coast, excited about the first of the spring weather. The sun was shining brightly and although it wasn't the warmest of days, we didn't particularly mind.

I could see Amelia rubbing sunscreen into Jess' back as Kingsley and Paul kicked a ball around. Naila was busy building sandcastles like a little kid and I couldn't help but smile at the playful image.

Things had been really good lately, I was certainly happier than I'd ever been and I knew a lot of it was due to Kingsley. After we'd had sex for the first time we were closer than ever, as if an invisible string connected us.

Most of the time he'd spend the evenings with me, not bothering to go back to his own room and we talked for hours into the night about anything and everything.

I smiled to myself, totally content as I turned to face the sea, looking far into the distance at the outline of a large tanker boat. The water was surprisingly clear, I was excited to swim in it later despite knowing it would be freezing.

As my thoughts drifted between Kingsley, my friends and school work, my phone began to ring and I looked down at the screen. 'Dad' flashed up and I quickly answered it.

We hadn't spoken properly for about a month, our schedules always conflicting as he was in business meetings or I was in class and busy with my boyfriend. We'd only exchanged a few texts, checking in to see that one another was okay.

"Hey dad."

"Hey Vee, I just thought I'd call and check in, it's been a while since we last spoke."

"Yeah it has, how are things at home?" I looked down as a wave washed over my exposed feet, foam wrapping around my ankles.

"They're good, we went to Artie's parents evening, he's doing well at preschool."

"That's great dad. Is mum around?"

"No she had to leave again. She's in Mongolia at the moment, I'm sure she'd want to hear from you though."

"Yeah I'll give her a call sometime." I made a mental note to do so, I missed her a lot.

"How's things with you honey? How's school?" I could hear the urgency in his voice, I knew it worried him to be away from me and not really know how things were going. No matter how much I reassured him, he always returned to concern. I supposed that was just what it was like to be a parent.

"School is okay, we have our first exams in a month so we are all revising."

"Well make sure to have time to relax too, go have fun you know."

"I will don't worry, I'm at the beach right now actually."

"Kingsley is with you right?"

"Yes he's here." I glanced back towards my bodyguard and smiled at him as he raised a curious eyebrow.

"Good, you know how I worry. How is he?"

I paused at my father's question. I hadn't told any of my family yet about my new relationship with Kingsley. I suddenly felt guilty, it was secretive to not admit it and even though I was worried about my father's reaction, I thought it was better to be honest now.

"He's great... actually dad there's something I've been meaning to tell you. Kingsley and I are together..." I trailed off, bracing myself for the reaction.

"Well I'd hope so, he's meant to be guarding you after all."

I bit my cheek to suppress my giggles from my father's ignorance.

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