chapter 2

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Hintlesham Academy


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I felt the car come to a rolling stop and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I sat up properly.

I glanced out the windows at the surrounding woodland. The Academy was a four hour drive from London in a fairly secluded area of the countryside. The scenery was very beautiful, but I already missed the bustling pace of the city.

Eric got out of the car and made his way around to the boot whilst I pulled the mirror open from the roof. I scanned my appearance, attempting to smooth my champagne blonde hair back into a calmer form.

I definitely looked tired and cringed slightly from the remainder of the crying redness around my eyes. Saying goodbye to Artie this morning had been so sad, I knew each time I left him he'd grow way too quickly and I wondered what he'd look like by Christmas.

I sighed and flipped the mirror back up before stepping out of the car. I closed the door behind me and glanced at the large country manor towering above me.

It was a very regal building and happily situated amongst the enormous grounds. It was the classic image of old fashioned English aristocracy and I smiled at the familiar sight. The place was like a home away from home, and my friends here were the equivalent of a second family.

I walked around the car towards the boot where Eric lifted the last bag onto the gravel path.

"Thank you for doing that." I smiled at him.

"It's not a problem Miss, do you want me to help carry them to your room?"

I shook my head, "no that's alright, I'll probably get one of the housekeepers to help me."

He nodded and closed the boot before shifting on his feet. I laughed slightly at his nervous demeanour and pulled him in for a quick hug, Eric was just as much family to me as Rose and had always been a faithful chauffeur.

"You have a good term Miss, I'll come back in December to collect you for Christmas."

"Thank you Eric, have a safe drive back."

He glanced at my luggage one last time before nodding and making his way back to the driver's side. The engine started and I watched as he drove along the gravel driveway, heading back home.

A sense of loneliness swept over me as the town car disappeared through the gates. Over the years I'd realised that being away from the people you loved was never easy, no matter how times you had to do it.

I sighed and pushed the thoughts aside before picking up my backpack and slinging it over my shoulders. I began to make my way towards the doors of the building, eager to get settled back in.

But for the first time, I noticed a figure standing in front of the archway, and as I got closer the male form became clearer.

Immediately it was obvious that he was very good looking. He was significantly taller than me, I guessed around 6'1" and he seemed to be around my age. He wasn't a student I recognised and I wondered if he was new. He appeared to have a good amount of muscle to him and I admired the deep raven colour of his tousled hair.

He stared right back at me and as I came to stand in front of him, I absorbed the rich emerald colour of his eyes for the first time. I felt the envy niggle in my brain, I'd always thought green eyes were the most beautiful and had frequently wished my own hazel ones resembled a more interesting colour.

I was about to speak but the boy beat me to it.

"You must be Vesper Monroe."

His voice possessed a rich velvet quality and I attempted to shake the perverted thoughts from my head.

"Err yeah that's me, who are you?" I glanced at him skeptically, wondering how he knew my name when I didn't know his. He smirked slightly before sticking out his arm for me to shake.

"I'm Kingsley, Isaac Bloom's nephew and your personal bodyguard for the year."

I took his hand and he squeezed mine firmly before letting it go.

"Oh I see, do you have a second name?" The disappointment was clear in my tone. Now that the boy was in front of me the prospect of having to be trailed by him all year was even more depressing, and of course he had to be incredibly attractive to top it all off.

"No, it's just Kingsley. More anonymous that way you know."

I refrained from rolling my eyes at the ridiculousness of the one name concept. Who the hell did he think he was? Beyoncé?

"How old are you?"

"19. I would ask you the same but I already know everything." He raised his eyebrows slightly and I frowned at his words. The idea of a stranger knowing all about me, when I knew nothing about him, was aggravating.

"I see... well no offence Kingsley but having a bodyguard isn't exactly my idea of a fun time. Isaac said I wouldn't even notice your presence so I hope that is going to be true, I'm not in the mood to spend my last school year being stalked." My tone was sharp and for a moment I regretted the harsh words but then he smirked and my mood turned even more sour.

"Well no offence princess" he emphasised the word as if it disgusted him to say it, "but having to look after a spoiled daddy's girl isn't my idea of a fun time either. My uncle assigned me to this, god knows why, my rank in training was way above a task like this, but I'm here to do a job. And please don't flatter yourself, I have no interest in stalking you."

I felt my temper soar at his audacious words as a deep blush swept across my face.

Arrogant prick. What made him think he had the right to speak to me that way? He was basically my employee, and not the family friend type like Rose or Eric.

His smug air radiated from him as he saw the affect his words had on my mood. I placed my hands on my hips, "if it's below you then why don't you piss off?"

He laughed then. Like actual full on laughter, as if I was an act in a comedy club.

"It doesn't work like that. Now are we done here? I have stuff I'd rather be doing. My duties don't start until tomorrow." He kicked a piece of gravel at his feet as if this was the last conversation he wanted to be having. It certainly was for me.

"Yeah we're done here. Just stay away from me as much as possible and we'll be fine." I was seething with anger now and this only seemed to amuse him more as he turned and began to march back towards the manor.

I looked over my shoulder and glanced at my hefty pile of luggage still sitting on the gravel driveway.

"Wait can you help me take some of this to my room please?" I yelled after his retreating figure.

He called back over his shoulder, "I can't sorry, I don't get paid to be your bellhop. See you tomorrow princess."

He sauntered away and I glared final daggers into his back, hoping they'd turn into real ones.

What a wanker.

This year was going to be a nightmare.

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