chapter 12

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It was halfway through business class and I was still annoyed about the interaction with Ophelia.

I sighed to myself as I copied the information from the board. My notes had turned into a mess and I glared at the page as I managed to smudge the ink again.

I tried to tune back into what the teacher was saying as I attempted to rub the stain away. The ink refused to budge and I groaned internally, today definitely wasn't my day.

The teacher's voice caught my attention again as I wallowed about the state of my notebook, "so for the next two weeks I am going to assign you all a paired project. You can choose who you do it with and you can choose what it's about as well." He walked towards the board and began writing the due date and criteria for the work as he continued speaking.

"But I want you to present in depth presentations about the business of your chosen topic. And be prepared for hard questions, so you'd better know what you're talking about."

I ran a hand through my hair, tugging at it slightly as I stressed about the new assignment. I thoroughly hated presentations and any kind of group work, teachers always droned on about how they were necessary but I'd never seen much use in them. Plus, the idea of having to rely on someone else when I wanted a good grade was frustrating to me.

Before I could even begin to think about who I'd work with, the class was dismissed and students began chatting around me in excitement, no doubt planning their partners and ideas already.

I slapped my notebook shut whilst the angry dark cloud above my head seemed to swell up. As I packed my stuff away, Eli came walking over to me, seeming to hesitate when he saw my bad mood.

"Hey Vee, excited about the pres assignment?" He smiled down at me and I couldn't help but admire his happy nature, I'd always envied people like that who seemed at ease whoever they spoke to.

"Not at all, it's going to be a nightmare." I huffed, realising I wasn't exactly being polite.

"Woah woah... someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He grinned at me, clearly trying to lighten my misery.

I took a deep breath, attempting to calm down as I addressed him again, "sorry... it's just one of those days you know."

"No worries, I understand." The sincerity was prevalent in his tone and I admired him once again for his cheerfulness.

"It's just that the project seems stressful, more than anything to be honest. I'm not a fan of group work or presentations, and I really want a good grade in this class." I admitted glumly and he chuckled.

"Well I might have the perfect solution! I was thinking we could work together? That way you don't have to worry about the other person slacking or messing it up."

Relief washed over me from his suggestion, I knew he was one of the best in the class and he was a nice enough friend that he wouldn't let me down

"I'd actually really like that, shall we meet in the library this afternoon? I have a free period after lunch."

"Yeah me too, I'll make sure to bring snacks. Any requests?"

I laughed slightly and returned his smile, my bad mood easing away. "No that's okay, I'll see you later then."

He nodded and said goodbye, leaving the room as I stood up. I adjusted my uniform before I slung the bag over my shoulder, making a move towards the doorway as a sharp tingling sensation ran up my spine.

Without even turning around I knew Kingsley was glaring daggers into my back, probably angry that I'd been interacting with Eli, and I recalled his strong opinion of the boy.

I chewed on my lip nervously but made sure not to turn around as I left the room and made my way through the school to the cafeteria.

As I walked, I could hear his footsteps tapping on the cold ceramic ground behind me and the silence of the corridors suddenly seemed deafening.

An internal battle began in my head, debating if I should confront the issue of working with Eli now, or simply not address it at all.

On the one hand, I had no choice but to do the project for class and so Kingsley had no right to interfere with that. But I knew he'd say that I should work with someone else, which would only lead to an argument, because as far as I was concerned, Eli was my best option.

I knew he responsible and hard working, not to mention reliable. And even more than that, he was my friend, there was no logical reason to deny him as my project partner.

I reassured myself of the decision to pair up with Eli in my mind, and decided that I wouldn't talk to Kingsley about it. In fact, it was a topic I was hoping we could avoid entirely.

As I made the decision concrete, it was almost as if Kingsley sensed that something was off as his footsteps seemed to speed up behind me.

I quickened my pace, more eager to reach the dining hall than ever before.

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