chapter 40

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I could hear a faint beeping nearby as my body stirred from its sleep.

For a moment, I forgot what had happened and braced myself for the sound of the dripping tap and freezing room.

But they didn't come. Instead, I was perfectly warm and cosy with the sound of a faint rhythmic beeping somewhere nearby.

I shifted slightly and opened my eyes, blinking rapidly as I took in the new surroundings. The room I was in now was very white and clinical, I realised it must be a hospital.

I glanced down at my body to find I was wearing a medical robe. Wires were splitting off from underneath the thin material into the machines surrounding me. I was relieved to see that my wrists and ankles were bandaged up neatly, soothed slightly compared to the harsh pain I'd grown accustomed to.

I tried to sit up in the bed but winced as a dull pain ran across my side and relaxed back down. I sighed to myself, trying to process what had happened to me.

More than anything I was overjoyed, it was all over. I was safe. I could hardly believe that mere hours ago, I'd mentally prepared to die in that hellish place. It had seemed inevitable at the time.

I glanced further around the space, my eyes were drawn to the corner of my room and I noticed my parents sleeping on a plush couch. My father was leaning back, his head against the wall, as my mother laid on his shoulder.

My heart jumped at the sight of them. No matter how many times I'd imagined their faces over the last month, it was nothing compared to seeing them again, alive.

They looked so peaceful in their slumber, but I could see new worry lines etched into their faces and their skin appeared drained of life. These last few weeks must have aged them, it seemed that I wasn't the only one that was exhausted.

"Mum, dad," my voice was croaky as I spoke but I coughed slightly, trying to clear it. This seemed to stir them as they both lifted their heads.

As they regained consciousness they looked over at me, their bloodshot eyes widening as they saw I was awake. They jumped up and ran over to each side of the bed, gripping my hands gently and stroking my face.

"Vesper, honey are you alright?" My mother looked over me in concern and I couldn't recalled having ever seen her so frantic. She was always the opposite, calm and unfazed, everything under her control.

"Do you need us to call the nurse?" My father jumped in before I could speak, his own worry matching my mother's. His grip on my hand was so tight it was almost numbing, but I bit my tongue, not wanting to ruin his elation.

I shook my head as much as I could against the pain and drowsiness, "I'm fine, I'm safe now. I missed you guys so much." I couldn't help the tears from spilling down my face, and to my surprise, they both began to cry too.

My father leaned over me and placed a long kiss against my forehead. "We missed you too, so much, we had no idea where you were or what happened. I'm so sorry Vee, this is all my fault, I shouldn't have a job that endangered you like this." His words were spilling out in a hurried blur, as if he was afraid I might disappear again before he got to say it all; I wondered how badly this last month had pained him, not knowing if I really would return.

My hand shook as I pulled it from his and reached up to touch his cheek, brushing away the tears stained there.

"Dad it's okay, this isn't anyone's fault." I was surprised at the calm reason in my voice, it felt strange that I was having to reassure them after everything, but I couldn't let him think it was his fault. He seemed to find my words slightly comforting and visibly relaxed.

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