chapter 36

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I felt some rough hands gripping my arms, shaking me violently.

As I drifted out of my sleepy haze back into consciousness, the sounds in the room came into focus.

"Wake up! Wake up!" A gruff voice urged.

I opened my eyes, once again struggling against the overbearing brightness of the lamp. And yet again I wondered how long I'd been under the affect of the drugs, how long I'd been away from reality.

I blinked and looked around in a daze. The room was still the same and I was joined by Elijah too, but this time there were two other men with him. One of them seemed to be setting up a tripod, screwing a camera in place on top, as the other left my side to stand next to him.

I shivered against the temperature of the room, an embarrassing reminder that I was naked in front of these strangers.

"Can I have some clothes, please?" My voice was rough from the lack of hydration, a level of deprivation I'd never experienced before.

Elijah frowned at me, "no, you won't be getting any privileges. We need you like this for the video anyway."

"What's the video for?" My eyes flickered to the wide lens of the camera.

"We're going to make a ransom message darling, and you're the star."

I processed his words slowly, beginning to understand the full weight of the situation. They were obviously after my father's money, I'd expected as much. He'd been right after all, we were even bigger targets now, but I still couldn't quite believe what was happening. It felt like something from a film. A terrible film, the kind that left you with nightmares afterwards.

"I won't do it." I met Elijah's gaze, making sure to keep my stare unwavering, determined now.

He walked over to me slowly before speaking, "you don't have a choice."

I contemplated his words as he turned around and marched towards the men, ordering them to hurry up as they fiddled with the device.

Was he right? Did I have no choice? I knew that they'd use the video against my family, and the thought of them seeing me like this was awful.

They were probably worried sick and I couldn't be sure that the men were ever planning to let me go, perhaps once my father paid they would kill me. After all, I knew Elijah was involved and could tell police, which would cause problems for him.

For the first time I thought properly about my family. About my father who'd worked hard his whole life, about my mother who was the smartest woman I knew, about Artie who was the best brother that I could ever ask for. I missed them terribly.

My mind drifted to Kingsley as well, I thought about what had happened to his parents and how he'd probably always struggle to forgive himself for what was happening to me. I knew he'd especially blame himself for not coming straight into my room. The thought of him seeing the video, seeing me so degraded like this, was terrifying.

Lastly, I thought of my friends; of Naila who had always been fiercely loyal, and Amelia and Jess who's shared love was infectious to those around them, and finally to Paul who was just as much a friend as the rest of them.

As I thought long and hard about the people in my life, I came to a very distinct decision.

I would not participate willingly in this video.

I would not beg for my life.

I would not beg for help.

I would not call out to my father, to my mother, to Kingsley, to anyone.

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