chapter 20

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A few days later and I'd settled back into my home routine. Nearly everything was the same as previous Christmas breaks, except now we had Kingsley, Isaac and Maria for extra company.

They had all helped us to set up the tree the night before and the decorations around the house were really coming together. The permanent smell of cinnamon and gingerbread drifted around the house as the kitchen staff baked daily and I'd spent many cosy hours tucked up in my room, staring out the frosted windows as I sketched.

The atmosphere in our home was even dreamier than usual and I wondered if the extra company had made that much of a positive impact; Maria with her sweet manners, Isaac with his jovial nature and Kingsley, wonderful Kingsley, who seemed to complete a space in my own family.

Artie was the happiest of us all, he took great advantage of my bodyguard's presence, frequently asking to be picked up, played with or just asking a stream of curious questions.

It was a frequent image to see Kingsley read the boy to sleep near the fire in the evening, they acted as if they were siblings and my parents seemed impressed at my bodyguard's caring nature.

We would end those evenings by taking Artie to his bedroom and tucking him in, before heading to the cinema room and talking away whilst we worked through the list of Kingsley's favourite films.

And now it was Friday.

Mother and I had decided to visit Harrods, she had to get the last minute Christmas gifts before the shop shut.

I, meanwhile, hadn't even bought one yet. I had to find something decent for my parents, Artie, Isaac, Maria, Rose, Eric and Kingsley.

I was most stressed about the gift for my bodyguard, I wasn't even sure what he might like. I at least knew he wasn't materialistic so I doubted that Harrods would have anything suitable.

The doorman held open the glass doors and we entered into the beautiful space. Harrods during Christmas time was always stunning, the silver and white decorations helped to accentuate the grand architecture of the building. They seemed to have strung up even more lighting than normal this year and the shop was illuminated in a pearly glow.

My mother marched towards Chanel as the bodyguards and I followed suit. I'd given Kingsley the day off, although he'd insisted on coming with me, I had managed to persuade him that I needed to go alone so his gift would stay a surprise.

The shop assistants attended to my mother, discussing the new line of jackets as I wandered around. We were both looking for gifts for Maria and so when I spotted an intricately beaded a-line dress in Christmas red, I knew I'd found the perfect item.

I took it to the register and paid for it as my mother finished her choices and they rang her up. They handed us the bags and we exited the shop, using the escalators to head up to the second floor.

"Let's go get a drink before we continue, I need some energy." My mother indicated a cafe on the far side.

I nodded and we went and sat down. The waiter quickly came over and took our orders before dashing off again.

I looked at my mother on the opposite side of the table, taking in her flawless appearance. She was dressed in her usual formal attire, she'd always said she was a powerful woman, and in her world powerful women wore tailored Yves Saint Laurent suits in a variety of colours. Her hair was pulled back into a low bun and her makeup was light but perfectly compact against her skin.

She placed her phone into her handbag before turning her attention to me. She surveyed me this time, contemplating something for a second before speaking.

"So Vesper, do you have a date to your father's New Years ball or would you like me to organise one for you?"

I mentally sighed, we'd had the same discussion every December since I was 15. It usually began with her asking me this very question, my denial of the need for a date or quick reassurance that I already had one, and her disappointment or satisfaction depending upon my response. This year, I knew it was going to be the latter.

"Neither, I think I'd like to go alone this year." I shrugged, trying to play it off casually. I knew she'd probably insist on finding me a family friend's son, but the previous experiences had been draining.

"I heard Olivia Cane's son has turned into a splendid young man, perhaps I'll give her a call." She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me.

How predictable.

"Please don't, I can't take another evening trying to make idol chit chat with a stranger."

She frowned at my denial before continuing, "what about that bodyguard of yours?"

The waiter arrived then and placed our drinks down. I took a sip of my hot chocolate, relishing the sweet hint of caramel.

"What about him?"

"Well you seem close and he has to attend anyway because we've invited Isaac and Maria."

"We are friends mother."

"I'm not so sure about that." She smiled slightly. I knew that exact look, she'd given it to me before when I was 14 and she thought I had a chance with the son of the Canadian Prime Minister. He turned out to be gay, much to my relief.

"I don't see what would've given you any other impression." I was starting to get annoyed, it was no different to when Naila harassed me about it. Over the last month she'd been insistent that something was going on between us and I'd rebuffed every claim, it hadn't deterred her much.

"Perhaps it is the way he stares at you when you're not looking, it's very intense and when you leave a room his eyes follow, as if he's afraid you're going to evaporate or something." She spoke slowly, measuring my reaction.

"I think that's just him being protective, it's his job after all." I tried to speak calmly but her words had surprised me. I certainly hadn't noticed that behaviour from him and I suddenly felt self-conscious.

She pursed her lips, "well just consider it, the option is there."

I nodded, although I'd already dismissed the idea in my brain. Part of me knew I found him attractive, but I'd shut the possibility down, he hadn't given me any inclination that he felt something more for me. Even if he did, things would no doubt get too complicated between us.

My mother gave me a knowing smile as we finished our drinks before leaving the cafe.

We agreed to split up, I wanted to try different stores and still needed to get a gift for her. We arranged a time to meet and I waved goodbye as I turned off in the other direction, one of the bodyguards following closely behind.

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