chapter 11

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I grabbed my notepad and book for business class from my desk and shoved them into my bag.

It was Tuesday. I'd spent the rest of the weekend hibernating, trying to recover from my hangover and the embarrassment of what happened.

I'd replayed the events of Saturday night a few times in my head over the course of Sunday, hoping that it would somehow become less cringeworthy each time. This failed of course, with every recollection it only seemed fresher, like a wound that wouldn't heal.

Thankfully Monday had gone by quickly too, but Mr Baker had assigned us another essay and I'd spent a lot of the evening holed up in my room researching for it.

I threw on my shoes and grabbed my keys as I bundled my way out of the dorm. Kingsley was already waiting for me so I locked the door quickly and began to make my way down the corridor.

We were silent as usual and I wasn't sure if the newfound awkwardness was just in my mind, or if he could detect it too. It seemed so palpable in the air but I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the uncomfortable atmosphere.

As I weaved my way through the school corridor, I saw Ophelia Brown coming towards me. I felt the panic rise in my stomach and looked side to side, trying to plan my escape.

"Vesper, darling!" Her squeaky voice trilled through the corridor and I mentally cursed, it was too late.

I slowly turned my head back to face her. She was dressed in the same uniform as me, but somehow she wore it like a model rather than a student. Her sleek caramel locks swished around her shoulders as she tottered over to me.

There wasn't anything particularly wrong with the girl, but she wasn't my favourite person in the world either.

She was one of the more popular students in our year, probably because her family owned a good percentage of the world's oil dispensaries. Power and connections were important at the Academy.

She was also uncommonly pretty, but she had an extremely high pitched voice and nasally laugh that grated on your patience. She at least always seemed nice to my face, but I suspected she wasn't the same behind your back.

I often overhead her gossiping about others, remarking on their awful teeth or lack of wealth. She reminded me of the Academy's version of Regina George, stunning and enviously popular, but extremely cunning too.

As she reached me she pulled me in for a tight hug but her long acrylic nails dug into my back. I squirmed slightly under her touch, wondering if she was aware of the pain she was inflicting against my skin.

"I missed you so much!" She pulled back and smiled widely at me. I couldn't help but think her red lipstick made her resemble a circus clown.

I frowned to myself at her words, something was definitely strange. We had never been close before and she had certainly never hugged me or said I was missed. Heck, I didn't even know what classes the girl took.

"Err hi Ophelia, how are things?" I did my best to muster a friendly tone, my mother had always impressed upon me how important social graces were.

"Oh just splendid! But nevermind me, who is this?" Her eyes flickered behind me to Kingsley and I stepped sideways to introduce them.

"This is Kingsley, my bodyguard."

She stepped forward, practically pushing me out of the way as stuck out her manicured hand for him to kiss, "enchanté".

I refrained from rolling my eyes at the pompous gesture as I glanced at Kingsley.

His face remained stone-like and he briskly shook her hand instead, releasing it as if it would poison him somehow.

Part of me wanted to laugh at her perplexed expression caused by his cold greeting, but she quickly recovered and gave him a sickly sweet smile whilst blatantly checking him out.

It was suddenly very obvious why Ophelia had come to talk to me.

"Well it was... nice... talking to you but I have to get to class now." I did my best to remain polite but my lips were pulled into a thin line, annoyed now that I'd figured out her true intentions.

She didn't let me go that easily though and began speaking before I could move an inch, "I'll walk with you, we have so much to catch up on after all."

I cringed at her fake enthusiasm, but I could tell she was determined so I began to speed down the hallway. I waited for her to catch up but as I glanced over my shoulder I could see her walking in step with Kingsley, chatting away as he stared straight ahead.

I rolled my eyes so hard that I was surprised they didn't pop from their sockets but turned my attention back to what was in front of me.

As we made the painstaking journey to class Ophelia chatted away to Kingsley, asking all sorts of questions. After a while I decided to tune their conversation out but every now and then her shrill laugh broke through my eardrums.

With each footstep, my frustration for the girl grew. Up until now I'd had the pleasure of never having to spend too long around her, but now I felt overwhelmed with her overly flirtatious presence.

Part of me wanted to turn around to see how Kingsley was reacting to it, but I stopped myself. I didn't want to show that I cared, somehow it felt wrong that I did.

Finally, after what felt like forever, we arrived at the door to the classroom and I didn't hesitate to enter without saying goodbye. As I reached my desk I slammed my bag onto it and slumped into my seat.

I looked to the doorway where Ophelia was still chatting away. She reached her hand out and clutched Kingsley's shoulder as she laughed at something he said, although I couldn't imagine what was so hilarious. Her cackle rang out through the air and I ground my teeth together in frustration.

Kingsley blinked in surprise at her reaction and looked at me helplessly, his eyes begging for my assistance. But I was too annoyed to help him and began to unpack my bag instead.

I saw him motion that he needed to come inside but as he started to scoot away Ophelia placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek and gave him a wink. The interaction looked awkward and I frowned at her forceful nature, she'd only been talking to him for 5 minutes for goodness sake.

She sauntered away as Kingsley stood there in shock. There was a clear red kiss mark imprinted on his skin and I gripped the pen in my hand angrily. To my surprise, it didn't snap in my hand and I flipped my book open to a new page as Kingsley entered through the doorway and made his way to the back of the room.

The rest of the class filtered in and the teacher began the lesson but I struggled to focus, too caught up in my fury towards Ophelia.

Stupid girl should know better than to flirt with other people's bodyguards.

It was inappropriate after all.

Yes, that was why it made me so angry, it was simply unprofessional behaviour from both her and Kingsley.

But even as the thought occurred to me, I knew that some deeper thought nagged in the corner of my mind.

I ignored it determinedly and turned my attention back to the teacher at the front of the room.

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